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发布时间:2018-09-11 06:39
[Abstract]:The relationship between man and nature has gone through several stages: awe of nature-understanding of nature-control over nature-return to nature-affinity to nature. Reflected in painting, reflected in the farming era of pastoral scenery-industrial era of industrial landscape-modern urban landscape-post-modern ecological landscape. This paper first expounds the concept of artificial world and analyzes the multi-dimensional nature of man-made world. And narrates the development of painting in various times, from Dutch landscape painting in the 17th century to romantic landscape painting, realistic landscape painting, to the emergence of "artificial world" in cubism painting under the background of the industrial age. The representative figure of Dadaism, Duchamp, presents the extreme performance of mechanical scenery in his paintings and the dynamic rapidity of the cold and steep form of urban landscape in the metaphysical urban landscape of Kirilco, and discusses the splicing of the post-modern landscape in the image age. It points out the evolution of natural object from "the first nature" to "the second nature", and the transformation of the natural subject from idyllic, poetic, romantic, aesthetic to allegorical, critical posture, and then extends the concept of "artificial world". And the different styles of "artificial world" in the field of contemporary art, and expound the multi-dimensional nature of artificial world from different subjects and visual ways. Finally, with my graduation and creation of the "artificial World" series, I talked about the advantages and disadvantages of the mechanical age, the image age, and how to examine and face the "second Nature": with a nostalgic feeling. To arouse people's poetic discovery of agricultural civilization and pastoral consciousness, or to arouse people's ecological aesthetic idea with a critical attitude. My graduation creation attempts to deconstruct, misplace, splice, overlap, fold, and critique the landscape from a multi-dimensional perspective of irony and criticism. It has caused people to deeply analyze and reflect on the endless pursuit of mechanical civilization and image age and the loss of Noumenon care and subjective consciousness.


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1 金兢;“人造世界”创作浅谈[D];中国美术学院;2014年




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