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发布时间:2018-09-12 06:32
[Abstract]:Two-dimensional animation film originated in the beginning of the last century, in the middle of the last century, Disney reached the peak of prosperity in the United States. Similarly, in the early last century animation form spread to China, through absorption and development, domestic animation also reached its peak in the middle of the last century. Since entering the new century. China's animation industry and production continue to grow, but the development of art forms and innovation is slow. Based on the law of two-dimensional animation creation, this paper studies the unique animation language of China along the clues of Chinese traditional aesthetics and traditional opera performances. Explore the characteristics of Chinese traditional modeling, the behavior of the Chinese nation, the performance characteristics of traditional opera, through the integration of the golden rule of animation. This paper discusses the development of Chinese two-dimensional animation under the contemporary environment, from the law of movement to the setting of the scene of character modeling, to the drama of the story and to the character performance and behavior characteristics. It also discusses the development and innovation of the two-dimensional animation in the future.


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