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发布时间:2018-09-12 12:18
【摘要】:恽寿平是清代初期著名的绘画理论家,《南田画跋》是他重要的绘画理论作品。在该作品中,恽寿平将自己的绘画美学思想完全体现出来,成为中国绘画史上比较重要的绘画理论著作,被学术界称为“毗陵六逸”之冠,对清代以后的美学产生了重要的影响。 清代是绘画理论的大总结时期,大部分绘画理论都是对前人的总结。就目前对《南田画跋》的研究成果来看,学者对恽寿平的绘画理论重视不够,大多是研究他的“没骨”花卉画法,很少从文艺美学角度研究他的绘画思想。因此,本人从文艺美学角度出发,探究《南田画跋》独特的绘画美学思想。 本文主要从四个方面来研究恽寿平的绘画美学思想。首先,恽寿平主张虚静的审美态度,强调“摄情”的创作理论。其次,恽寿平通过以实写虚,重虚的艺术手法,展现主体情感,构造充满灵性的艺术空间。第三,恽寿平从自身及对绘画作品的品评中向我们展示了他对绘画无言之境的推崇。第四,,恽寿平追求荒寒、枯槁的艺术风格,展现了他在崇尚悲剧之感中,包含对自然山水热爱的生命情调。 恽寿平推崇自然恬淡的绘画风格,追求无意为文乃佳的创作理念,体现了对审美价值和时代审美需求的把握。他意识到自己在清代画坛上的影响力,为扭转错误的导向,以一种负责任的态度,在继承传统宝库精华资源的基础上,引导人们追求宋人淡雅的风格,而不是过度的模拟古人之法,为清代绘画创作注入了新意。由于作者本身属于复古派,虽然也注意到过于遵循古人创作之法会限制绘画审美创造而在绘画美学思想方面有所创新,但是仍然受到时代和自身思想的局限。即便如此,《南田画跋》的理论价值仍然有目共睹,并大大影响了后世的绘画创作。
[Abstract]:Yun Shouping is a famous painting theorist in the early Qing Dynasty. In this work, Yun Shouping fully embodied his painting aesthetic thought and became a relatively important painting theory work in the history of Chinese painting. It had an important influence on aesthetics after Qing Dynasty. Qing Dynasty is the period of painting theory summing up, most painting theory is to the predecessor's summary. As far as the research results of "the postscript of Nantian paintings" are concerned, the scholars pay less attention to Yun Shouping's painting theory, most of them are about his "boneless" flower painting, and seldom study his painting thought from the angle of literary and artistic aesthetics. Therefore, from the point of view of literature and art aesthetics, I probe into the unique aesthetic thought of painting in Nantian painting. This article mainly from four aspects to study Yun Shouping's painting aesthetic thought. First of all, Yun Shouping advocates the aesthetic attitude of hypocrisy and emphasizes the creative theory of "emotion". Secondly, Yun Shuping presents his main emotions and constructs a spiritual artistic space through the artistic techniques of writing virtual and heavy vacuity. Third, Yun Shouping shows us his admiration for the wordless state of painting. Fourth, Yun Shuping pursues the desolate and haggard artistic style, showing his feeling of advocating tragedy, including the love of life for nature. Yun Shuping advocates the natural and tranquil painting style and pursues the creative idea which is not intended to be good for Wennai, which embodies the grasp of the aesthetic value and the aesthetic needs of the times. Aware of his influence in the painting world of the Qing Dynasty, and in order to reverse the wrong direction, and with a responsible attitude and on the basis of inheriting the essence of the traditional treasure house, he guided people to pursue the elegant style of the Song people. Instead of imitating the law of the ancients excessively, it injected new ideas into the painting creation of the Qing Dynasty. Because the author himself belongs to the retro school, although he noticed that following the law of ancient creation would limit the aesthetic creation of painting and innovated in the aesthetic thought of painting, he was still limited by the times and his own thoughts. Even so, the theoretical value of Nantian painting Postscript is still obvious to all, and has greatly affected the painting creation of later generations.


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2 高杰;;中国画传统、创新之我见[J];国画家;2001年03期

3 马斐;;非古非今 洗脱畦径——恽寿平的绘画理论[J];大众文艺;2011年08期

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6 黄建康;;恽南田与常州画派[J];收藏家;2000年09期

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1 李栋;试论“吴门画派”[D];中央民族大学;2005年

2 谭玉玲;论恽寿平“逸”的审美理想[D];华南师范大学;2007年

3 陶鎏霞;恽南田花鸟画的艺术品格刍议[D];中国美术学院;2010年

4 屈晓燕;从《南田画跋》看恽寿平的画学思想[D];西安美术学院;2009年




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