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发布时间:2018-09-14 11:27
[Abstract]:Fine brushwork flower-and-bird painting has a long history. It depicts not only flowers and birds, but also weeds, insects, birds and animals. Fine brushwork flower-and-bird paintings are different from other painting types. In the process of painting, most of them draw the outline of the scene with a center pen first, then repeatedly dye it, brush it with clean water, and use some special techniques, so that a piece of work is lifelike. Become a work of art. Good works of art come from creation, and the process of creating a successful work of art is unrepeatable. The first chapter is guided by the development of fine brushwork flower-and-bird painting, briefly narrates the traditional classics and modern innovation of fine brushwork flower-and-bird painting, and the second chapter is guided by the author's inspiration in person. The third chapter, guided by the introduction of composition and techniques, describes how my unique aesthetic conception is created.


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