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发布时间:2018-09-17 09:24
[Abstract]:Wang Huaiqing began to explore and think about the form in the late 1980s, from the early deformation to the old garden of Shaoxing, to the furniture of the Ming and Qing dynasties later, to the exploration of artistic language. His creation went through three stages: deconstruction-structure-reconstruction. Both in the selection and use of painting materials, or in the expression of painting language, there have been great changes and breakthroughs. In recent years, he has become one of the outstanding contemporary artists in his large-scale works, such as Daming style, Golden Stone, Home without Furniture, and so on. The geometric artistic language presented in his works combines the abstract artistic language of the West, the concept of structural deconstruction, the choice of Chinese furniture and architectural themes in the content of his works, emphasizing the layout of the picture and highlighting the interest of the combination of geometric figures. Over the past 30 years, Wang Huaiqing has been studying and focusing on creation, and has gradually become one of the representative performance artists in the history of Chinese art. His teacher, Mr. Wu Guanzhong, had a great influence on Wang Huaiqing's later painting style. The geometric structure and the concise black and white factors in his picture are closely related to his teacher's creation. In the 1950s and 1960s, Mr. Wu Guanzhong was enchanted by the beauty of the black wall and white tile unique to Jiangnan Water Township. He was deeply moved by the beauty, and incorporated the simple black-and-white geometric block structure of the Jiangnan architecture into his own picture. Form one's own unique formal language. In Wang Huaiqing's works, from the earliest seeking for deformation structure to the construction of Shaoxing's old garden, and then to the furniture deconstruction of Ming and Qing dynasties, his works broke the boundary of drawing frame and intervened into the expansion of plane with pure picture geometric language. Form their own unique expression. This paper is divided into five chapters: the first chapter is the interpretation of geometric structure modeling language of painting, mainly from the application of geometric modeling in early human painting and the embodiment of geometric modeling language in contemporary painting. The second chapter is the interpretation of Wang Huaiqing oil painting geometry structure, from his painting creation plane geometry symbol construction, pure color block symbol embodiment, symbol geometric symbol use these three aspects to begin to discuss; Chapter III highlights the geometric structure of Wang Huaiqing oil painting and the construction of modeling language, focusing on the black and white vertical form of the composition, color blocks between the two angles of space transmission; chapter four describes the unique form of Wang Huaiqing geometric structure, The fifth chapter discusses the inspiration of geometric structure to contemporary oil painting creation. It is a personal point of view on the function of geometric structure to the composition of the picture and the guidance of the form of the picture.


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