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发布时间:2018-09-17 16:27
【摘要】:绘画创作讲求不断推陈出新,水墨人物画创作更是要不断超越创作者或画家的既有成果,将艺术水平推向新的高度。然而,中国现当代水墨人物画创作却受到素描、油画等西方绘画形式的强烈冲击,在创作中呈现西方思维定势,作品完全用西方绘画的焦点透视、高度写实、临摹照片的方法来绘制中国水墨人物画,背离了传统水墨人物画创作的基本要义。 面对现状,笔者尝试从传统视角出发,回归中国民间丰富艺术资源宝库,从中探寻能为当代水墨人物画创作提供有益借鉴的艺术形式。在翻阅了大量关于民间艺术的文献资料、实物作品后发现:现当代关于传统年画在当代水墨人物画创作中的资源性价值的研究并不多;而传统年画作为民间自古以来一直喜闻乐见的艺术形式,是一个拥有丰富文化内涵并具有重要借鉴价值的传统绘画资源,值得去探究。 为此,本文主旨在于通过对中国当代水墨人物画创作现状的分析,发现创作中存在的问题,以此为基础,提出当代水墨人物画应向中国传统民间艺术汲取营养,从中国民间年画中借鉴题材、造型、色彩、结构、意蕴,为当代水墨人物画创作补充新的“血液”,实现当代水墨人物画创作的新发展。
[Abstract]:The creation of painting emphasizes the innovation of the old, and the creation of ink figure painting should constantly surpass the existing achievements of the creators or painters and push the artistic level to a new height. However, the creation of modern and contemporary Chinese ink figure painting is strongly impacted by the Western painting forms, such as sketch, oil painting, and so on. In its creation, it presents a fixed pattern of Western thinking. The works are completely perspective with the focus of Western painting and highly realistic. The method of copying photos to draw Chinese ink figure painting deviates from the basic meaning of traditional painting. In the face of the present situation, the author tries to return to the wealth of Chinese folk art resources from the traditional perspective, from which to explore the art form that can provide useful reference for the creation of contemporary ink figure painting. After reading a large number of literature on folk art, it is found that: there are few researches on the resource value of traditional New year painting in the creation of contemporary ink figure painting; The traditional New year painting as a folk art form has been popular since ancient times, is a rich cultural connotation and has important reference value of traditional painting resources, it is worth to explore. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to find out the existing problems in the creation of Chinese contemporary ink figure painting through the analysis of the present situation of its creation, and to propose that the contemporary ink figure painting should draw nourishment from the Chinese traditional folk art. Drawing lessons from Chinese folk New year paintings, such as subject matter, shape, color, structure and implication, can supplement the new "blood" for the creation of contemporary ink figure painting, and realize the new development of contemporary ink figure painting creation.


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2 林木;对本世纪中国美术几个问题的检讨[J];美术观察;1999年10期

3 王希奇;;走出困惑——谈传统水墨人物画之局限及未来走向[J];美苑;1993年Z1期

4 樊波;;素描影响中国画得失谈[J];荣宝斋;2010年01期




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