[Abstract]:Henri Matisse, as the representative of the Beast School in France, is one of the most influential painters in the 20th century western art history. His life experienced several important changes in artistic style, deeply influenced by Gauguin, Seurah, Cezanne, Van Gogh and so on. He deviated from the traditional painting of reproduction type art since the Renaissance and paid attention to the aesthetic form of the picture from the point of view of self-emotion. Thus Henry Matisse creatively completed a transformation of artistic expression. He draws nutrients from children's art, oriental traditional art and African mask art to make his works full of primitive beauty, such as childish and exaggerated modeling, refined and concise lines, pure colors, flattened decoration, and so on. This paper expounds the primitive beauty in Matisse's works from two aspects: one is to analyze the characteristics of primitive beauty in his paintings from the perspective of children, including children's childish, exaggeration, simple modeling, bright colors and children's intuitive thinking; On the other hand, he draws from his works the characteristics of primitive beauty in oriental traditional art and African mask art. At the same time, he creates his own expressionist style language on the basis of inheriting and merging eastern and western traditions.
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