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发布时间:2018-09-17 19:32
[Abstract]:On February 25, 2017, Qiao Shiguang 80 Art Exhibition, jointly organized by the National Museum of China and the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University, opened. Lu Zhangshen, curator of our library, Xu Li, secretary general of the Chinese artists Association, vice chairman and secretary-general of the Chinese artists Association, Han Jingyang, deputy director of the School Affairs Committee of Tsinghua University, Chang Shana, former president of the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts, Chen Ruisheng, deputy director of the National Museum of Art, attended the opening ceremony. Lu Zhangshen, Deputy Director Han Jingyang, Secretary Xu Li successively spoke, Mr. Qiao Shiguang's daughter Ms. Qiao Shiguang delivered a speech on behalf of Mr. Qiao Shiguang. Deputy curator of the National Museum
【作者单位】: 中国国家博物馆馆长办公室;


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