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发布时间:2018-09-19 13:09
【摘要】:正南艺名校,苑有名筑,校有名师,冯健亲先生便是今日名师的代表。观冯先生画,印象最深的是他的风景。从上世纪60、70年代的风景写生,到最近的磅礴气象的山水主题,中间横贯着一条对中国风景的特殊专注与关爱的主线。早期的写生,明显受苏派的外光表现的影响,但其视域却不一般,总在风物}j 中写宽广景色。在多年的江南风光的写生中,冯先生悉心捕捉丽日和风,江畔春色。近年回归画室,写崇山崇岭,写云海飞瀑,
[Abstract]:Zhengnan Art School, famous Yuan built, the school has a famous teacher, Mr. Feng Jianqin is the representative of today's famous teacher. What impresses Mr. Feng most is his scenery. From the painting of landscape in the 1960s and 1970s to the recent landscape theme of majestic weather, there is a special focus and care for Chinese scenery. The early sketches were obviously influenced by the exterior light of the Soviet school, but their horizons were not general, they always wrote broad scenery in the style. In many years of Jiangnan scenery sketches, Mr. Feng carefully captures the Liri and wind, riverside spring color. In recent years, I have returned to the studio to write about Chong Shan Chong Ling and Yunhai Flying Waterfall.


相关重要报纸文章 前3条

1 黄列;冯健亲画作拍卖百万元设立奖学金[N];团结报;2007年

2 本报记者  黄列 刘华;工作就是“弹钢琴”[N];团结报;2006年

3 本报记者 公培佳;创新教育改革需要“异想天开”[N];人民政协报;2006年




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