[Abstract]:Since ancient times, Chinese painting has paid attention to "division of the ancients, division of creation". In the early 20th century, the literary and art circles advocated that art should be "oriented towards life and reality." Giving valuable realistic character to Chinese Art Lu Yanshao's many sketches in the middle of the 20th century not only made him break through and innovate in stroke and ink techniques but also promoted the transformation of Chinese landscape painting style to a certain extent. In particular, he was able to acquire the traditional essence while not contrary to innovation, boldly accepted the ideas and ideas of foreign painting, and successfully created the style of Lujia landscape painting. Throughout his life of art, landscape painting practice plays a vital role in the formation of Lu Jia landscape features. This article will take Lu Yanshao landscape painting sketch practice as the main content of the research, take the Lu Yanshao landscape painting sketch and the creation relations as the core, aims to explore the stroke and ink language refinement and the style evolution process in the Lu Yanshao sketching process. This paper makes a detailed analysis of the relationship between strokes and ink, color, modeling and composition of his sketching works, and compares Lu Yanshao's sketches with those of traditional landscape painters and landscape painters of the same period, longitudinally and horizontally. In the end, the author expounds the promoting effect of his painting practice in three different periods on his landscape painting style, so that the uniqueness and artistic value of his painting practice are more concretely and comprehensively displayed.
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