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发布时间:2018-10-05 11:19
【摘要】:张彦远说,绘画具有“成教化,助人伦”的功用,并且“与六籍同功”。“孔子七十二弟子像”在两千年的历史长河中也一直发挥着辅助教化的作用。它的创始和发展与儒家思想的政治地位密切相关,见证了各个时期儒家思想的兴盛与没落。研究“孔子七十二弟子像”的兴衰历史可以了解中国古代教育的端倪,从而有助于我们重新认识儒家核心思想的文化价值。 “孔子七十二弟子像”产生于汉代,从现存的画像石作品可以看出,其人物多是古拙的剪影式形象。唐代,随着孔庙在全国的兴盛,“孔子七十二弟子像”的绘制已经广泛开来,从首都国子监,一直到偏僻的边境都有其踪迹。传为阎立本的“孔子七十二弟子像”虽暂定为北宋摹本,亦隐约得见唐代对此题材地创作已进入了比较高的水平,人物数量确定为包括孔子在内共七十三人,衣制古朴,形象生动传神。宋代是模仿与创作的高峰,在继承前代流传人物基本形态的基础上,加入了新的理解,采用了新的绘画技法。尤其南宋杭州府学的石刻对明清两代产生了最直接的影响。明世宗开始,孔庙内以神位代像。之后民间流传的多个版本的“孔子七十二弟子像”皆出自对杭州府学石刻的摹写。 “孔子七十二弟子像”之存世作品为数不多,考其艺术价值与历史价值相对较高的当是“故宫藏本”和“首博藏本”。通过详细对照,这两件作品系出于相同或相似的样本,技法不同,但形象鲜活脱俗,其历代之画跋也有重要的史料价值。笔者结合《论语》等文献对“孔门十哲”形象进行了详细地解读,并对比了画像形象与文献形象的相同与差异,进而阐释文献依据与艺术创作的关系。通过这样一种言、像合一地分析,,更加全面、饱满地展现出孔子贤弟子的人格精神。发扬圣贤的宝贵精神对解决当下社会的种种问题有着积极地意义。
[Abstract]:Zhang Yanyuan said that painting has the function of "becoming civilized, helping others" and "sharing the same merit with the six nationalities." Confucius 72 disciple Xiang has also played an auxiliary role in the history of 2000. Its founding and development are closely related to the political status of Confucianism and witnessed the rise and fall of Confucianism in various periods. The study of the rise and fall of Confucius 72 disciple's image can help us to understand the cultural value of the core thought of Confucianism. The figure of Confucius 72 disciple originated in Han Dynasty, and its characters are mostly silhouette images of ancient times. In the Tang Dynasty, with the prosperity of Confucius Temple in the whole country, the drawing of "Confucius 72 disciple's Image" has been widely spread, from the capital Guozi Jian to the remote border. Although the portrait of Confucius 72 disciples passed down to Yan Liben was tentatively a copy of the Northern Song Dynasty, it was also vaguely seen that the Tang Dynasty had entered a relatively high level in the creation of the subject matter. The number of characters was determined to be 73 people, including Confucius, with a simple clothing system. The image is vivid and vivid. Song Dynasty is the peak of imitation and creation. On the basis of inheriting the basic form of the characters passed down in the previous generation, a new understanding was added and new painting techniques were adopted. In particular, the stone carvings of the Southern Song Dynasty and Hangzhou School had the most direct influence on the Ming and Qing dynasties. From the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the Confucius Temple was replaced by the throne of God. Since then, various versions of Confucius 72 disciple's statues have been copied from the stone carvings of Hangzhou Fuxue. There are few works in existence of Confucius 72 disciple's figure. The relatively high artistic value and historical value are The Imperial Palace Collection and Shoubo Collection. Through detailed comparison, the two works are out of the same or similar samples, different techniques, but the image is fresh and free from vulgarity, and the postscript of the past dynasties also has important historical value. Based on the Analects of Analects and other documents, the author makes a detailed interpretation of the image of "Kong Men and Ten philosophers", and compares the same and difference between the portrait image and the document image, and then explains the relationship between the literature basis and artistic creation. Through such a kind of words, like the analysis of unity, more comprehensive, full display of the personality spirit of Confucius's sages and disciples. Carrying forward the valuable spirit of sages is of positive significance to solving all kinds of problems in society.


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1 王之春;;船山先师年谱序[J];船山学刊;1933年01期

2 前人;;读杨子法言[J];船山学刊;1933年01期

3 吴昭瞵;;征性篇[J];船山学刊;1935年01期

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