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发布时间:2018-10-08 13:16
【摘要】:纵观艺术史,现实主义绘画在美术史中占有十分重要的地位,出现了许多表现普通大众形象的绘画大师。他们精湛的技法和艺术主张对于艺术发展史做出了重要贡献。如卡拉瓦乔他将现实主义艺术推向了一个新的阶段,以至影响了整个欧洲的现实主义代表人物,而且,他还运用了强烈的明暗对比。用光来突出画面上的主要部分,这就是所谓的“暗绘风格”,这种手法为伦勃朗和委拉斯贵支所继承并加以发展。后来的巴比松画派中的“巴比松七星”,即七位隐居在法国枫丹白露宫附近巴比松村的画家,他们热衷于描画自然风景和农村生活,其中最著名的是卢梭和米勒,卢梭专门描画风景,米勒的农民画朴实感人,“晚祷”、“拾穗的人”反映真实的农村生活。‘其忠实于自己对社会人生的感悟,关注普通百姓的人文精神,晚归这幅创作正是受其影响,以关注普通人的生活,采用现实主义表现手法来表现平静祥和、默契悠然踏实的江边老人,以及用随时待命的鸬鹚来赞美勤劳朴实的人,引出社会上一些人自私和浮躁的社会心态的的对比来进行反思。体现生活中最美的一面,这种美不仅仅是山水美景,不是孤立自在的东西;有一种特殊本质,来表达创造与欣赏在社会生活中的特殊作用。 这幅作品主要在构图色彩上我进行了简析,主体部分的形体、结构、明暗、色彩等特点表现得要具体、细致、精彩,要浓墨重彩地进行刻画。在色彩上,根据自然色彩所获得的丰富的、深刻的感受,把自己的思想感情与创造性思维融合进去,运用艺术手法对自然色彩重新组合,达到更理想的艺术效果,所以我认为色彩与绘画的塑造密不可分,甚至更能使绘画者把自我的思想感情表达到淋漓尽致,而色彩的创造性和个人生活经历.经验紧密相连。经过研究生阶段的学习,在创作中对色彩有了些体会,不同的色彩组合就能体现不同的精神。要明确自己所想表达的内容,才能充分表现自己的绘画特点。
[Abstract]:Throughout the history of art, realistic painting occupies a very important position in the history of art. Their exquisite techniques and artistic propositions have made important contributions to the history of art development. Caravaggio, for example, pushed the art of realism to a new stage, to the extent that it influenced realistic figures throughout Europe, and he used a strong contrast of light and shade. The use of light to highlight the main parts of the picture is known as "dark painting style", a technique inherited and developed by Rembrandt and Vera Quaker. The later Babbiton Seven Stars, the seven reclusive painters who lived in the village of Babisone near Fontainebleau Palace in France, were keen to paint natural scenery and rural life, the most famous of which were Rousseau and Hans Muller. Rousseau painted scenery, Hans Muller's peasants painted simple and touching, "late prayer", "the earthy man" reflected the real life in the countryside. Being faithful to his own understanding of social life and paying attention to the humanistic spirit of ordinary people, his late return to this painting is precisely influenced by it to pay attention to the life of ordinary people and to show calm and peace by means of realistic expression. Tacit understanding of the riverside of the elderly, as well as ready to use the cormorant ready to praise the hard-working simple people, leading to some people in the society selfish and impetuous social mentality to reflect on the contrast. Reflecting the most beautiful side of life, this kind of beauty is not only landscape beauty, but also a special essence to express the special role of creation and appreciation in social life. This work mainly in composition color I have carried on the brief analysis, the main body part shape, the structure, the light and dark, the color and so on characteristic performance must be concrete, meticulous, splendid, must carry on the heavy color to depict. In terms of color, according to the rich and profound feelings obtained by natural colors, we should integrate our own thoughts and feelings with creative thinking, and recombine natural colors with artistic techniques to achieve a more ideal artistic effect. Therefore, I think color and painting are inseparable, even more can make the painter to express their own thoughts and feelings to the incisive and incisive, and color creativity and personal life experience. Experience is inextricably linked. After graduate study, in the creation of color have some experience, different color combination can reflect different spirit. Only by clarifying what you want to express, can you fully express your painting characteristics.


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1 邵大箴;靳尚谊和当代中国油画[J];美术研究;2005年03期

2 杨春时;现代民族国家与中国新古典主义[J];文艺理论研究;2004年03期




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