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发布时间:2018-10-08 20:53
【摘要】:南宋在政治和文化上都继承了北宋的风格传统,加上自身的创新,从而形成了南宋时期的绘画风格。刘松年、马远、李唐、夏圭被称为“南宋四大家”,其中马远的山水画最具特色,常写山之一角,或绘水之半边,创作了“边角山水”,代表了南宋时期山水画的新面貌。可以说,马远绘画风格能够形成,起因包含了一定的社会因素、地域因素和人为因素,三者之间彼此相互联系又影响着。南宋中期,宫廷山水画中形成了马远和夏圭的“边角山水”。“边角山水”主要是一种截取式的构图方式,突破了前人的取景方式,达到一种全新意境的表达。 “一角”之美,一角特写、大幅空白便是南宋山水画的主要构图形式,本文主要采用画论和画作相结合的方法,通过对马远作品的艺术感受来解析他绘画风格的主要特点,探讨马远对诗意绘画的表现与追求,总结其形成的原因及影响。论文主要分三个部分: 第一部分:论述马远绘画的“一角”之美美在诗画一体,重点介绍马远的绘画特征与形貌,通过作品分析揭示马远绘画风对诗意之美的追求。 第二部分:分析马远画风成因。从天时、地利、人和三部分来分析“一角”之美形成的原因。 第三部分:简要总结马远的绘画成就,并阐述马远在绘画历史上的贡献和影响。
[Abstract]:The Southern Song Dynasty inherited the style tradition of the Northern Song Dynasty in politics and culture, combined with its own innovation, thus formed the painting style of the Southern Song Dynasty. Liu Songnian, Ma Yuan, Li Tang, Xia Gui are called "four great houses of the Southern Song Dynasty". Among them, Ma Yuan's landscape painting is the most characteristic. He often writes the corner of the mountain or the half side of the painting water, and has created the "frontier corner landscape", which represents the new appearance of the landscape painting in the Southern Song Dynasty. It can be said that Ma Yuan painting style can be formed, the causes include certain social factors, regional factors and human factors, the three are interrelated and influence each other. In the mid-Southern Song Dynasty, the palace landscape painting formed Ma Yuan and Xia Gui's "Bian Jiao Shan Shui". Bian Jiao Shan Shui is a kind of intercepting method of composition, which breaks through the former way of setting and achieves the expression of a new artistic conception. The beauty of "a corner", a close-up of a corner, and a large blank are the main forms of composition of landscape painting in the Southern Song Dynasty. This paper mainly adopts the method of combining painting theory with painting to analyze the main characteristics of his painting style through the artistic feelings of Ma Yuan's works. This paper probes into the performance and pursuit of Ma Yuan's poetic painting, and summarizes the causes and effects of its formation. The thesis is divided into three parts: the first part discusses the beauty of Ma Yuan's "corner" in poetry and painting, mainly introduces the characteristics and appearance of Ma Yuan's painting, and reveals Ma Yuan's pursuit of poetic beauty through the analysis of his works. The second part: analyze the origin of Ma Yuan's painting style. The reason for the formation of the beauty of a corner is analyzed in terms of timing, geographical location, people and three parts. The third part: briefly summarizes Ma Yuan's painting achievement, and expounds Ma Yuan's contribution and influence in painting history.


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