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发布时间:2018-10-09 11:59
【摘要】:油画创作中色彩的运用是画家传达艺术精髓的重要语言形式,色彩它不仅是对大自然纯真、朴实的传承与结合,也不仅是一种缤纷绚丽、多姿多彩的客观事物造型因素,它更是画家在油画创作中的心境与灵感在画布上的交融和共鸣。在近现代油画界,一些油画家因为自身的因素独到的采用了单色化语言这种看似朴实而单一的表现形式。随之结合自己的特点来创作属于自己的风格。并且这种单色化的表达方式慢慢的在油画界独占了一席之地,虽然是比较“另类”的,并且也没有形成一种公认的或者是显而易见的流派和画风,但是这种单色化语言在油画创作中的运用并非空穴来风,也是不可忽略的。油画家们在油画创作中的思考与创新、追寻与探索都是为了艺术的未来发展而走出的重要一步。他们想利用这种独特的单色化语言来挖掘艺术的创新能力,我也从创作中体会到了这种单色化语言的强大魅力。 本篇论文试图从当代油画家的创作语言这种表达方式入手,进而从一些油画家们是如何运用单色化语言这一现象为基调作为切入点,再根据自身创作中的感受和启示相结合的方式来详细说明油画创作中单色化语言的研究与实践这篇论文。首先对单色画和单色化的概念以及定义进行说明和阐述,其次根据油画家创作的时代背景,中国传统文化因素的原因和单色化语言作品中的自我来铺垫出当代油画家创作中运用单色化语言的缘由。借助单色化语言的创作思维以及单色化的表现力对当代油画家单色化语言现象进行整理和分析。分析出单色化语言的成因主要还是视觉审美疲劳和视觉冲击力以及带有水墨元素的黑白传统色调影响的。最后再根据结合我在创作中对单色化语言的实践与感悟,来总结性的阐述单色化中的黑白灰以及我在创作中是如何运用单色化语言这种方式的。 希望通过我对单色化语言的研究与实践,,让更多的人去关注单色化语言这种创作方式,并且让这种表达方式得到更多的理解和接受。
[Abstract]:The use of color in oil painting is an important language form for painters to convey the essence of art. Color is not only a pure and simple inheritance and combination of nature, but also a kind of colorful and colorful objective thing modeling factor. It is the artist in the oil painting mood and inspiration on the canvas blend and resonance. In the field of modern oil painting, some oil painters use monochromatic language because of their own factors. With the combination of their own characteristics to create their own style. And this monochromatic expression has slowly taken its place in the oil painting world, although it is relatively "alternative" and has not formed a recognized or obvious genre and style of painting. However, this monochromatic language in the use of oil painting is not empty, can not be ignored. Oil painters' thinking and innovation in oil painting creation, pursuit and exploration are important steps for the future development of art. They want to use this unique monochromatic language to tap into the creative ability of art, I also from the creation of this monochromatic language of the powerful charm. This paper attempts to start with the expression of contemporary oil painters' creative language, and how some oil painters use the phenomenon of monochromatic language as the starting point. Then according to their own feelings and inspiration in combination with the way to explain in detail the monochromatic language in oil painting research and practice this paper. First of all, the concept and definition of monochromatic painting and monochromatic painting are explained and elaborated. Secondly, according to the background of oil painters' creation, The reason of Chinese traditional culture factor and the self in monochromatic language works pave the way for the use of monochromatic language in the creation of contemporary oil painters. The monochromatic language phenomenon of contemporary oil painters is sorted and analyzed with the help of monochromatic language creation thinking and monochromatic expression. The causes of monochromatic language are mainly caused by visual aesthetic fatigue, visual impact and traditional black and white hue with ink elements. Finally, according to my practice and understanding of monochromatic language in my creation, it summarizes the black and white gray in monochromatic language and how I use monochromatic language in my creation. I hope that through my research and practice of monochromatic language, more people will pay attention to monochromatic language, and let this expression get more understanding and acceptance.


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