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发布时间:2018-10-09 21:42
[Abstract]:At the beginning of the new century, the research on the corrosion of copperplate materials will be the trend of the development of new materials. The changes of different effects of the pictures produced by the corrosion time of copperplate, the concentration of acid (ferric chloride), the change of temperature, and the change of material (oil, water) were analyzed. In depth, the material corrosion process will be studied. The study of new materials is beneficial to the need of the texture effect of copperplate, and is the external form of the spiritual essence of printmaking. Apart from the essence of the spirit, the material must be subject to the effect of the picture and the inner spirit of art. Miro believes that materials are also important: "Materials determine everything, and I object to any independent, predictable, inanimate quest." So the use of materials in modern and contemporary prints played a particularly important effect. Experimenters should also do the same. In life, the tools and materials for creating prints are rich and varied. In addition to those that have been used, they should continue to explore the undiscovered materials and not fold the means to show a specific picture effect. All materials conducive to showing unique effects should be boldly tried and constantly tested. In this paper, the problems found in the etching process of printmaking materials are studied in depth. Through the changes of the different effects of the different materials corrosion of the copperplate, this paper analyzes the texture effect of the different changes brought by the corrosion of the different materials in the process of the plate making of the copperplate. How to use and use to carry on the omnidirectional analysis, the purpose lies in the copper print material corrosion process to produce the rich texture effect important to the copper print picture, and carries on the summary to the copper print material corrosion process to produce the change.


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