[Abstract]:This paper explores a new gel oil painting toner. Firstly, on the premise of analyzing the present situation of gel oil painting toner, the purpose and reason of exploration are explained. Secondly, in the process of exploring new gel oil painting toner, the experiment operation process, formula analysis and experimental results are described in detail. Then, through the analysis of the practical application effect of the new gel oil painting toner, it is proved that the new gel oil painting toner has the characteristics of appearance, thixotropy and the dispersity of the oil painting pigment. Have achieved the same effect as Matty resin gel oil painting toner, and because of the use of more durable Dama resin and unleaded ripening oil, it can be inferred that under the same environmental conditions, The new gel oil painting toner is better than Marty resin gel oil painting toner in the aspects of yellowing and blackening and creasing of pigment layer. Finally, because in the exploration of the new gel oil painting toner, all of them are relatively cheap, and the performance effects are very stable and excellent formula materials, and its application effect is better than that of Marty resin gel oil painting toner. And better. So it can be sure that once the new gel oil painting toner is popularized, it will have a very good development prospect, and can obtain the unanimous affirmation and support of the oil painting workers.
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