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发布时间:2018-10-13 16:28
【摘要】:中国山水画从魏晋萌芽,隋代独立成科,到唐宋发展及明清传承,有着一条清晰的发展脉络,直至今日已经有上千年的历史,并形成了“宋人尚法、元人尚意、明清人追求以书入画”的不同时代风格,取得了近乎完美的传统山水画样式。新文化运动拉开了现代文明的进程,传承千年的古代文化思想可能无法满足人们的审美需求,中国山水画也随即进入到了现当代文明之中。 随着社会的发展、文化时境的变迁,中国山水画也逐渐进入到一个新的审美状态。当代山水画和传统山水画一样,都是该时代的精神和审美的体现和代表,它受到以数字、信息为特征的网络时代的影响和制约,呈现立体的、多元发展格局。很多画家在坚守传统立足本源的基础上,广泛吸取其他文化艺术的营养,以形成当代样式。在这一方面产生了一批代表和模范,他们的绘画不甘愿在前辈大师的大树下乘凉,反而去体验艺术的险境和未知,结合时代精神另辟蹊径去探求属于自己艺术理想的新天地,开拓了当代山水画发展的新思路。 本论文旨在通过梳理有别于传统山水画的新样式,探寻山水画创作之道。认识现代社会的精神所在、时代风貌、审美需求以及人们对自然山水的新情感、新认识和新的表达方式,了解这些样式特点的变化,希望能够增益山水画创作。
[Abstract]:From the germination of the Wei and Jin dynasties, the independence of the Sui Dynasty to the development of the Tang and Song dynasties and the inheritance of the Ming and Qing dynasties, Chinese landscape painting has a clear development thread, and has a history of thousands of years to this day. The people of Ming and Qing Dynasty pursued the different styles of painting by books, and obtained almost perfect traditional landscape painting styles. The new cultural movement has opened the process of modern civilization, and the ancient cultural thought of passing on a thousand years may not be able to meet the aesthetic needs of people, and Chinese landscape painting has also entered into the modern and contemporary civilization. With the development of society and the change of cultural time, Chinese landscape painting has gradually entered a new aesthetic state. Contemporary landscape painting, like traditional landscape painting, is the embodiment and representative of the spirit and aesthetics of this era. It is influenced and restricted by the network age characterized by digital and information, and presents a three-dimensional and pluralistic pattern of development. On the basis of sticking to tradition, many painters draw on the nutrition of other culture and art so as to form contemporary style. In this respect, a number of representatives and models have emerged. Their paintings are not willing to cool off under the trees of their predecessors, but rather to experience the dangers and unknowns of art. In combination with the spirit of the times, they seek a new world belonging to their own artistic ideals. Opened up a new way of development of contemporary landscape painting. The purpose of this paper is to explore the way of landscape painting creation by combing the new style which is different from traditional landscape painting. Understanding the spirit of modern society, the style of the times, aesthetic needs and people's new feelings of natural landscape, new understanding and new ways of expression, to understand the changes of these style characteristics, hoping to increase landscape painting creation.


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3 林z,




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