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发布时间:2018-10-16 10:57
【摘要】:所谓异类,顾名思义就是与众不同的,小众化的,不被大众所接受的,当这些异类出现之初,都是被排斥的,而这些异类的出现,必然有它的必然性,无论是主流的艺术,,还是非主流的艺术,都有其自身独特的“美和价值。文章通过三部分来研究异类绘画,第一部分主要介绍的是历史上一些异类绘画形成的初期,以印象派的代表梵高、色彩分离派的席勒和克里姆特、涂鸦艺术、致幻艺术,还有西班牙宗教画家埃尔格列特,达达主义的杜尚为例子研究历史中的一些异类画家及其作品的形成原因,第二部分是通过当代艺术家草间弥生、王广义、奈良美智、村上隆的作品及其背景来分析当代绘画中的异类绘画的形成及原因,第三部是总结来探讨这些异类绘画对艺术史的发展推动以及其影响。 论文主要通过精神和形式上两个方面来研究这些异类绘画,画家的成长背景、生活体验、历史背景这些对心理造成的影响是形成这些异类绘画的不可或缺的因素。本文结合当时的社会背景,出现了一批杰出的异类画家,这些“异类”的绘画大多是他们内心主观情感的表达,着重刻画内心更为真实的世界,而并不是为了艺术而艺术,为了真实而真实。而当代的这些“异类”绘画,更具包容性的这个时代,科技和信息更加的发达,出现更多的异类风格的绘画,它们融合了更多元素,更多元化,更加的大众,更加的贴近生活,更加的商业化,这些当代的异类画家们也将自己的这些新的、“异类”的思想与自己的作品推向了全世界,使当代艺术更加的全球化,使绘画艺术联通世界,与世界接轨。
[Abstract]:The so-called heterogeneity, as its name implies, is different, minority, and not accepted by the public. When these aliens first appeared, they were all rejected, and the emergence of these aliens must have its own inevitability, regardless of the mainstream art. Or non-mainstream art, have their own unique "beauty and value." The first part mainly introduces the initial stage of the formation of some unusual paintings in history, represented by the Impressionists van Gogh, Schiller and Klimt of the Color Separation School, graffiti art, fantasy art. There are also Spanish religious painters Elglit, Dudhams of Dadaism as examples to study some of the different painters in history and the reasons for the formation of their works. The second part is based on the contemporary artists Miyamori, Wang Guangyi, and Nara. Murakami's works and their background to analyze the formation of contemporary painting and the causes of the unusual painting, the third part is a summary to explore the development of these paintings on the development of art history and its impact. The thesis mainly through the spirit and the form two aspects to study these unusual painting, the painter's growth background, the life experience, the historical background these to the psychological influence is the formation these unusual painting indispensable factor. In this paper, according to the social background at that time, a group of outstanding foreign painters have emerged. Most of these "alien" paintings are expressions of their inner subjective feelings, focusing on depicting the more real world inside, rather than art for the sake of art. To be true and true. And these contemporary "exotic" paintings, more inclusive times, more advanced technology and information, more exotic styles of painting, they have integrated more elements, more diversity, more mass, more close to life, More commercialized, these contemporary heterosexual painters also put their own new, "different" ideas and their works to the world, making contemporary art more global, so that painting art to connect the world with the world.


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1 贾杉杉;论当代绘画中异类绘画[D];沈阳大学;2014年




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