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发布时间:2018-10-16 11:55
【摘要】:“意境”是情与景的结合,是中国传统文化的审美精髓,也是中国动画的灵魂。中国早期动画正是因为成功诠释了意境之美,才能享誉世界。很多人认为当代中国动画是因为过度依赖传统而走向衰落,实则恰恰相反,中国动画当前没能独树一帜的原因,正是缺失了对中国美学精髓的把握和对“中国学派”动画之独特审美意蕴的坚持。如今,通过实验动画的先锋性探索来研究意境在动画领域的表现,能够丰富中国动画的美学形态、完善中国动画的民族特色,同时也能有效地提升中国动画的艺术品格。 本文以实验动画的意境表现作为出发点,,结合意境理论、国内外相关美学理论与动画艺术理论分析了“动画意境”的现代内涵与美学渊源;进而将动画意境理论落实到实验动画创作的各个环节,从动画的艺术语言:审美语言、绘画语言和电影语言三方面论述了中国实验动画的意境表现。并对中国实验动画在意境表现过程中所遇到的瓶颈提出了相应的解决方案。 这里实验动画的先锋作用就是在意境美学理论和民族审美观念的指导下,创造中国民族所独有的“动画意境”,使中国实验动画表现出独特的精神内涵和东方韵味的审美情趣,最终形成中国特色的动画制作模式。这既是对动画表现形式的探索与突破,也是对传统美学精神的继承与发扬。
[Abstract]:Artistic conception is the combination of emotion and scenery, the aesthetic essence of Chinese traditional culture and the soul of Chinese animation. China's early animation is because of the successful interpretation of the beauty of artistic conception, can enjoy world fame. Many people think that contemporary Chinese animation is going to decline because of its excessive reliance on tradition. On the contrary, Chinese animation is not unique at present. It is the lack of understanding of the essence of Chinese aesthetics and the persistence of the unique aesthetic implication of the animation of the Chinese School of thought. Nowadays, studying the artistic conception in the animation field through the pioneer exploration of experimental animation can enrich the aesthetic form of Chinese animation, perfect the national characteristics of Chinese animation, and at the same time, effectively promote the artistic character of Chinese animation. Taking the artistic conception of experimental animation as the starting point and combining with the artistic conception theory, this paper analyzes the modern connotation and aesthetic origin of "animation artistic conception" in domestic and foreign relevant aesthetic theory and animation art theory. Then put the theory of artistic conception of animation into every link of experimental animation creation, and discuss the artistic conception performance of Chinese experimental animation from three aspects: aesthetic language, painting language and film language. And put forward the corresponding solution to the bottleneck encountered in the process of artistic conception expression of Chinese experimental animation. Under the guidance of artistic conception aesthetics theory and national aesthetic concept, the pioneer role of experimental animation here is to create the unique "animation artistic conception" of the Chinese nation, so that the Chinese experimental animation shows its unique spiritual connotation and oriental aesthetic taste. Finally, the animation production mode with Chinese characteristics is formed. This is not only the exploration and breakthrough of animation expression, but also the inheritance and development of traditional aesthetic spirit.


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