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发布时间:2018-10-18 08:42
【摘要】:张贴年画是中国民间在农历新年伊始,人们为表达迎接福瑞,祈求平安心情的一种传统民俗形式,它曾在民间流行甚广,表达着人们对自我生活美好憧憬的热情与向往。而伴随着历史的演变,,时代洪流的冲刷,年画这门民间美术文化也一直在发生着不同的变化,在如今中国的现代化改革下,它正失去着往日的风华,走向被人们陈列在博物馆观赏回忆的命运。 本文选择在年画这个范畴中久负盛名、拥有悠久历史的“年画之乡”,河北省武强县,作为本文民间文化研究的对象。武强年画其大胆的构图、对比强烈的色彩搭配、夸张的人物造型组合、独特的制作工艺等特点都彰显了其在民俗文化、民间美术等领域中所独有的魅力,这也是吸引笔者去选择它作为民间民俗文化研究代表对象的原因。同时针对其深远的影响力展开对武强年画历史的梳理、现在的颓势分析,从而深入探讨关于武强年画的继承流传、创新方向、以及对这门民间美术的保护手段和措施。
[Abstract]:At the beginning of the Lunar New year, the posting of New year's Pictures is a kind of traditional folk custom to express people's desire for peace of mind and to greet Fu Rui. It has been very popular among the people, and it expresses people's enthusiasm and yearning for a better life for themselves. With the evolution of history and the erosion of the current of the times, the folk art culture of New year painting has been undergoing different changes. Under the modern reform of China today, it is losing its past splendor. Toward the fate of being displayed in a museum to watch memories. This article chooses "the hometown of New year Pictures", which has a long history in the category of New year's Pictures, as the object of this article's folk culture research. The bold composition of Wuqiang New year's paintings, the contrast of strong collocation of colors, the exaggerated composition of characters, and the unique production techniques all show its unique charm in the fields of folk culture, folk art, etc. This is also to attract the author to choose it as the representative of folk culture research object. At the same time, in view of its profound influence, the history of Wuqiang New year painting is combed, and the present decadent trend is analyzed, so as to probe into the inheritance and spread of Wuqiang New year painting, the direction of innovation, and the means and measures to protect this folk art.


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