[Abstract]:The Inner Mongolia Autonomous region has a vast territory and is a multi-ethnic region with unity and unity. This place has been the cradle of nomadic life since ancient times. Through the vicissitudes of history, the images of Mongolian women in the new period provide the creators with many valuable themes. Most of the paintings are important types of Mongolian grassland culture. The Mongolian women in the painting of grassland theme have unique artistic charm, which reveals the rich nomadic life and different regions and different cultures of the Mongolian people in many aspects. Different religious beliefs and unique ethnic customs reflect the good personality of Mongolian women and the tolerance and love of the grassland Eji. By the method of combining literature research with creative investigation, this paper, on behalf of a group of outstanding artists such as Mr. Dumus, expounds the artistic characteristics and cultural connotations of women's images in the paintings of grassland subject matter in the new period. Thus reflecting the grassland people with a broad mind and boundless love for the grasslands.
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