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发布时间:2018-10-19 09:43
[Abstract]:The research on the series of paintings in Gaotai dwelling is a paper based on the practice of painting, and the discovery of this painting theme comes from the investigation of art. A series of painting experiments have been carried out on the laminated and flat artistic beauty found in the artistic investigation. This series of experimental paintings is mainly divided into three small series, the three small series are divided into the "overlapping section series", "yellow series", "Mosque series." The works of the overlapping surface series mainly study the contrast and fusion between the flat segmentation of the picture and the color of the color block. The yellow series strengthens the use of the pen on the basis of paying attention to the plane of the picture, and the church series is a kind of training for composition and brush strokes. The study and practice of the flat form in the expressionist painting are the main works of the Gaotai residence series, and of course, the influence of the Xinjiang painting predecessors is also indispensable. The form of painting can not be separated from the idea behind painting, that is, the concept of painting, so what is the idea of expressionism painting? Expressionist painters believe that art should express the "internal information" of human beings, as well as people's own inner feelings and thoughts, and that art should change social reality directly through its own expression, rather than reproducing reality by depicting the objective reality. To express the purpose of education and admonition. They emphasize the strength of human feelings and subjective nature so as to express the struggle and struggle for the objective world, and thus to establish a new relationship between art and life. They also emphasize the role of spiritual aesthetic, and think that art can not only express the visual and imitative objective reality, but also the inner and invisible spiritual world. In combination with oil painting, the research on the subject matter of Gaotai folk house painting is connected with the research on the segmentation of the picture plane. The big layout of the picture is the composition of the picture, and the composition depends on the segmentation of the shape and color in the picture. From the characteristics of this painting theme, Gaotai residence is suitable for the flat segmentation of the picture. The study of this series of paintings draws nourishment from the artistic thought and technique of Expressionism painting. The language of expressionist painting is more and more used in contemporary painting in China and the West, especially in contemporary painting in Xinjiang. There are many reasons for this. But the main reason is that people are eager to express themselves, to express their true self, and to express their thoughts about the society. Of course, the development of Expressionist painting in Xinjiang is still in its infancy. Although there are elements of Expressionist painting, there is still a big gap with contemporary Western Expressionist painting. This gap does not refer solely to the level of skill. More is the concept of painting.


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