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发布时间:2018-10-20 07:47
【摘要】:潘洛夫斯基((Pnaofksy Erwin)曾说过:“实际上,人是唯一能在身后留下记录的动物,因为他是唯一能制造产品的动物;其产品能使心灵回想一种不同于物质存在的概念。”当我们对先辈的作品进行欣赏和分析时,,既能够了解他们的生活足迹和社会背景也能让我们产生情感和创作者心灵上的共鸣。艺术作品本身就是人类进行精神活动的产物,它是对客观存在和主观情感性的重现和再造过程。我们通过作品能够了解当时社会的物质性内容,也能感知欣赏者以及人类社会的精神层面。本课题立足于改革开放的大时代背景下,以女性形象作为研究视觉,分析了文革结束到改革开放过渡时期和改革开放以后到本世纪九十年代这两大阶段油画作品中的女性形象的变迁,这其中又以后者为分析的重点,它包括三个部分:改革开放初期作品分析;90年代作品分析;女性油画家的作品分析。通过这几个时期具有代表性的女性形象的变化来了解女性形象变化的原因和特征。这些原因以及特征主要包括四个方面:女性观的改变;女性艺术和女性主义的复苏;多种艺术手法的融入;艺术家对个性化的追求。本文既讨论了油画作品中女性形象的变迁所带来的艺术价值,也通过这一视觉来探讨这种变迁所反映出来的诸多缘由。这种变化以及变化的原因体现了当今女性地位和身份的变化和背后隐含的社会状况,审美趣味,思想观念和文化内涵。对于本课题的研究也给我自身的创作带来影响,使我终身受益。
[Abstract]:Panovsky (Pnaofksy Erwin) once said: "in fact, man is the only animal that can leave a record behind him, because he is the only animal that can make a product; his product can remind the mind of a concept different from the existence of matter." When we appreciate and analyze the works of our predecessors, we can not only understand their life footprints and social background, but also make us feel and resonate with the mind of the creators. Works of art itself is the product of human spiritual activities, it is the objective existence and subjective feelings of reproduction and reconstruction process. Through the works, we can understand the material content of the society at that time, and we can also perceive the appreciator and the spiritual aspect of the human society. This subject is based on the background of the reform and opening to the outside world, taking the female image as the research vision. This paper analyzes the changes of the female images in the oil paintings in the two major stages from the end of the Cultural Revolution to the reform and opening up period and from the end of the reform and opening up to the 1990s, in which the latter is the focus of the analysis. It consists of three parts: the analysis of works in the early stage of reform and opening up; the analysis of works in 1990's; and the analysis of the works of female oil painters. To understand the reasons and characteristics of the change of female image through the change of representative female image in these periods. These reasons and characteristics mainly include four aspects: the change of female view; the revival of female art and feminism; the integration of various artistic techniques; and the artist's pursuit of individuation. This paper not only discusses the artistic value brought by the change of female image in oil painting, but also discusses the reasons reflected by this change through this vision. This change and its causes reflect the change of women's status and identity and the hidden social situation, aesthetic taste, ideology and cultural connotation. The research on this subject also has an impact on my own creation, which will benefit me all my life.


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