[Abstract]:As an important symbol of painting, the image of grass and wood appears in Chinese landscape painting. Throughout the early history of landscape from the Jin Dynasty Gu Kaizhi to the later generations of painters works, vegetation has different morphological characteristics, but also reflects the changes in the background of the times, people have given different images and connotations to the language. This article mainly from the vegetation in the different growth environment forms the characteristic as well as the origin natural appearance, with other modelling carries on the analysis, then borrows the ancients to use the poem to describe namely the scene namely the emotion spirit visage, praises the people to the grass and trees worship and admires. In this paper, from the point, line and surface of the natural form of vegetation in landscape painting analysis of the expression techniques, and finally return to the pristine spirit of the original source of vegetation. Through this element, the feelings and cultural implications of the interpretation return to the origin, that is, vegetation and vegetation, do not imitate others, do not repeat themselves, return to the most essential "nature" self ". The so-called vegetation silent, let the unconscious individual state obtains the maximization realization and the consummation.
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