[Abstract]:Perforated printing is a kind of printing method in which the print and text part of the plate can be printed to the substrate by ink leakage as the basic principle. The origin of this printing method can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn and warring States periods more than 2,000 years ago, during which hole printing technology was mainly used in the field of printing and dyeing. Later, from the field of printing and dyeing to the field of print, a variety of forms and art style of hole printing. With the progress of science and technology and the development of art diversification, hole print has broken the status of print in contemporary art, and the principle of missing print has been extended in the contemporary installation works and graffiti art. This paper is based on the origin and development of orifice printing, which is divided into three parts. The first part is divided into three parts. This paper discusses the origin and development of the use of orifice printing in ancient art of the Song Dynasty, which tends to be monochromatic, and the combination of printing and painting, such as the Liao Dynasty < South Sakyamuni Buddha > Jiayuan valerian. The second part: from the initial form of holographic printing to transcribing and then to screen printing, this paper discusses the development and types of orifice printing technology in modern printing. The third part: by enumerating Xu Bing's "where to cause Dust", Chuck Crosse's "Ruoyi Image" and Black Raha's graffiti art, etc., expound the concept extension of hole printing principle in contemporary art works. Through the discussion of these three parts, the paper summarizes the hole printing technology with the history of 2000. In the process of continuous evolution and inheritance, the language is more and more abundant and the forms are more and more diversified. From the original printing and dyeing field to printmaking art, from print art to installation and graffiti, the concept of ancient art technology has greatly enriched the creative language of contemporary art, and at the same time, the ancient technology itself has also been endowed with contemporary significance. And the example of contemporary art creation by replacing the printed language with ideas and materials also makes us think: printmakers should not stick to the identity of printmakers, but should break the identity of printmaking. The use of printmaking elements better into the contemporary "big art" to go.
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