[Abstract]:The painters of the past dynasties are keen to show the female image, and the painting of the fine brushwork figure painting on the face of the first bear the brushwork of the development of Chinese figure painting process, it accompanied with the development of fine figure painting and gradually mature and show rich and colorful styles. The fine brushwork figure painting that depicts the female image in China is referred to as the female painting. This paper starts with the traditional painting techniques of the female face, and tries to analyze and compare the fine brushwork painting of the fine brushwork in each period of the tradition, starting from the history of the painting. Combing out the traditional brushwork figure painting female facial color profile. In the modern meticulous brushwork, the fine works of depicting women of various colors present various color features. The author tries to sum up several kinds of facial color patterns by analyzing their facial colors. An example is also given to analyze the features of facial coloring embodied in the artist's works. Finally, the author will expound how to draw lessons from the traditional and contemporary diversified techniques of facial color, and explore the painting language of meticulous figure painting according to the personal creation practice. Therefore, the author of figure painting deeply ponders over the creation of female subject matter in figure painting.
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