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发布时间:2018-10-26 20:31
【摘要】:绘画语言由造型语言、色彩语言、材料语言三个基本元素组成。其中,材料语言作为造型语言和色彩语言的载体,是为创作表现服务的。目前,许多画家越来越重视对材料的研究,坦培拉是近年逐渐为中国美术界所了解认识的,根据其媒介剂性质分为水性和油性,特别是水性坦培拉,作为一种格调高贵典雅的艺术,由于材料的特殊性,已经为很多画家所喜爱。经典的作品不仅体现出画家鲜明的艺术风格,同时还反映了画家对材料的驾驭力。这说明只有对材料坚持不懈的研究,才能在绘画创作中驾轻就熟,这样既完善了个人的艺术风格,又保证了艺术作品的质量。 在这种研究背景下,本文选择对水性坦培拉材料语言进行系统研究,在明确概念性问题的基础上,根据水性坦培拉材料特性进行具体实际操作,然后根据实践经验再分析国内外艺术家案例,最后就创作问题进一步探讨水性坦培拉的价值取向。论文的具体内容如下: 第一章是绪论,主要对目前的研究现状进行简单论述,并依次介绍本文的研究来源与背景、研究意义与目的、研究现状与动态以及创新点。 第二章是水性坦培拉绘画综述,简要介绍论文中将要涉及的一些相关概念和历史背景,并明确水性坦培拉定义。 第三章是水性坦培拉材料的特征,从基底特征、媒介剂特征、绘画颜料特征几方面进行介绍,重在根据具体制作过程进行详细论述。 第四章是对水性坦培拉材料特征的应用性研究,主要从画料支撑物应用性、媒介剂应用性、肌理应用性和技法应用性四方面结合艺术家经典案例进行分析和总结。 第五章是水性坦培拉材料的价值取向,根据前三章内容从古为今用、洋为中用、物为我用三方面探讨在今后绘画创作中如何用材料语性来实现创作理想。 结语是对本文研究内容做简要回顾和总结,并进行前瞻性探讨。
[Abstract]:Painting language is made up of three basic elements: modeling language, color language and material language. Among them, the material language as the form language and color language carrier, is for the creation performance service. At present, many painters pay more and more attention to the study of materials. Tampella has been gradually recognized by the Chinese art circles in recent years, and is divided into water and oil properties according to their media properties, especially water based Tampella. As a style of noble and elegant art, due to the particularity of materials, has been loved by many painters. Classic works not only reflect the artist's distinctive artistic style, but also reflect the artist's control of materials. This shows that only the unremitting study of materials can be skillful in painting, which not only improves the individual's artistic style, but also guarantees the quality of the works of art. Under this kind of research background, this paper chooses to carry on the systematic research to the waterborne Tampella material language, on the basis of the clear concept question, carries on the concrete practical operation according to the waterborne Tampella material characteristic, Then, according to the practical experience, the author analyzes the domestic and foreign artists' cases, and further discusses the value orientation of waterborne Tampella. The main contents of this paper are as follows: the first chapter is the introduction, which mainly discusses the current research situation, and then introduces the research source and background, the significance and purpose, the current research situation and the dynamic, as well as the innovation point in turn. The second chapter is a summary of waterborne Tanpeira painting, briefly introduces some related concepts and historical background that will be involved in the paper, and clarifies the definition of waterborne Tampella. The third chapter is the characteristics of waterborne Tampella material, from the base characteristics, media characteristics, painting pigment characteristics of several aspects are introduced, focusing on the specific production process to discuss in detail. The fourth chapter is the application of the characteristics of waterborne Tamberra material, mainly from the drawing material support application, media application, texture application and technical application of four aspects combined with the artist classic case analysis and summary. The fifth chapter is the value orientation of the waterborne Tamberra material. According to the content of the first three chapters, from the past to the present, and from the material for my use in three aspects, this paper discusses how to use the material language to realize the creation ideal in the future painting creation. The conclusion is a brief review and summary of the content of this study, and a forward-looking discussion.


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