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发布时间:2018-10-30 10:18
【摘要】:画家博纳尔被后人称为“色彩魔术师”,这主要是因为其在色彩上成就斐然,他是伟大的色彩画家,其伟大之处自然不光指其色彩在视觉上的斑斓美丽,更是因为他将自己对于大自然的真挚情感完美的倾注于色彩之中。画家在其六十余年的艺术生命中,,通过对前人及同时代伟大艺术品的学习,并在色彩上不断思考实践与生活中始终保持内省的精神,最终在看似轻松潇洒的画面中,创造了一个诗意梦幻、逻辑严密的世界。本文是试图通过对其绘画作品的深入分析,挖掘出画家作品背后隐藏的“内在省视”的特征。 博纳尔一生孜孜追求自由的生活状态,并且时刻保持警醒,保持自己独立的做事和作画风格,不盲从时尚;同时,画家终身注重从传统的文化中汲取所需的养料,也并不排斥流行文化,与同时代的绘画大师马蒂斯保持了终身的伟大友谊。我们在观看博纳尔的作品时,总是被其中洋溢的春风苏醒般的暖意所感染,同时也羡慕画家终其一生的未泯童心,画面中总能弥漫出犹如童年般无忧无虑自由自在的生活气息,这给如今在都市中忙碌生活的人们带来安慰。博纳尔的绘画作品在某种程度上同东晋诗人陶渊明的诗歌作品有异曲同工之妙,他们同是在自己的艺术作品中表达了一种对美好生活的赞美与追求,不但如此,他们还身体力行远离闹市,过着一种隐士的生活。因此,博纳尔的绘画作品在不自觉中透露出画家内心的隐秘与执着。
[Abstract]:Boehner was called "color magician" by later generations, mainly because of his great achievements in color, he is a great color painter, its greatness is not only the beauty of its colors in the visual, It is because he puts his sincere feelings for nature into the perfect color. In his more than 60 years of artistic life, through the study of the great works of art of his predecessors and contemporaries, and constantly pondering on the color of practice and life, the painter always kept the introspection spirit, and finally in the seemingly relaxed natural picture, Created a poetic dream, the logic of the world. This paper attempts to dig out the hidden features of "internal introspection" behind the painter's works through in-depth analysis of his paintings. Bonnard's life to pursue the free life state, and always keep alert, maintain their own independent work and painting style, do not blindly follow the fashion; At the same time, painters pay attention to drawing the needed nourishment from the traditional culture all their lives, and do not reject the popular culture, and maintain a great friendship with Matisse, the contemporary master of painting. When we watch Bonnard's works, we are always infected by the warmth of the spring breeze, and at the same time we envy the painters who have not lost their childlike hearts all their lives. The picture is always filled with a life as carefree and free as childhood. This brings comfort to the people who are busy living in the city today. To a certain extent, Bonnard's paintings are different from those of Tao Yuanming, the poet of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. They both express a kind of praise and pursuit for a better life in their own works of art. They also practice away from the downtown, leading a hermit life. Therefore, Bonnard's paintings unconsciously revealed the artist's inner secrecy and persistence.


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