发布时间:2018-10-31 10:30
[Abstract]:In the creation of large-scale historical themes, it is indispensable to revolve around a grand theme-the war. It is an important factor that the people's Republic of China can establish, and it has an indelible position in the long river of history. In painting, the theme of war formed a distinctive artistic feature. Specifically, in the creation of large-scale historical themes, the theme of war is a rich and complex emotional and life display, but also bearing the history. They form a grand movement of life from many sides and levels. In the creation of large-scale historical themes, the theme of war is clearly expressed with a large scale of creation, grand scenes and complex structures. This article mainly through his own creation of war theme, seeks the pen and ink spirit exploration and the creation method breakthrough. The true realization of the military spirit and modern elements better integration. It also reflects the history of yesterday through the creation of war themes, making art works of higher artistic value.
[Abstract]:In the creation of large-scale historical themes, it is indispensable to revolve around a grand theme-the war. It is an important factor that the people's Republic of China can establish, and it has an indelible position in the long river of history. In painting, the theme of war formed a distinctive artistic feature. Specifically, in the creation of large-scale historical themes, the theme of war is a rich and complex emotional and life display, but also bearing the history. They form a grand movement of life from many sides and levels. In the creation of large-scale historical themes, the theme of war is clearly expressed with a large scale of creation, grand scenes and complex structures. This article mainly through his own creation of war theme, seeks the pen and ink spirit exploration and the creation method breakthrough. The true realization of the military spirit and modern elements better integration. It also reflects the history of yesterday through the creation of war themes, making art works of higher artistic value.
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