[Abstract]:As an independent subject, flower-and-bird painting plays a more and more important role in the development of Chinese painting. It is different from figure painting, landscape painting, people like to see a painting form. Flowers, fish and insects, feathers, fruits and vegetables are common themes in Chinese flower and bird painting. From appearance to maturity, it presents a variety of features, different times and different characteristics. Flower-and-bird paintings gradually developed from realistic to freehand brushwork, to the Ming Dynasty tend to mature. The overall trend and form of flower and bird painting in Ming Dynasty are mainly represented by the works of Shen Zhou, Wen Zhengming and Chen Chun, Xu Wei in Wu Men's painting School, and which influence the style orientation of Chinese flower and bird painting, and accord with the aesthetic requirements of literati class. By understanding the paintings of Shen Zhou, Wen Zhengming and other painters in the Wu Men School of painting, describing objects, comparing and analyzing the details and innovations of the paintings, Especially in the composition of painting on my graduation creation to make a thorough exploration. In the process of painting creation, the essence of their creation and the painting language of these painters in the sketching environment are understood from the works of Wu Men School of painting. I have accumulated experience in the study of graduate students for three years, will Shen Zhou, Wen Zhengming and Chen Chun's pen and ink form, painting language for me to use, enriched my painting techniques, completed my graduation creation.
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