本文关键词:中国实践美学60年:发展与超越——以李泽厚为例 出处:《社会科学辑刊》2009年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 实践美学 实践 主体性 自然的人化 积淀 人的自然化 情本体
[Abstract]:Practical aesthetics is the most important aesthetic theory achievements since the new Chinese established in late 1950s, -1960 in the early 1980s as the rudiment stage of practical aesthetics, at the end of 1970s -1980 in the early 1980s is the formation and development period of practical aesthetics, since the late 1980s, practice aesthetics develops deeply and differentiation. Chinese practice aesthetics a representative of many, which, in Li Zehou's practical aesthetics is most typical. In practical aesthetics in infancy, Li Zehou Marx view of practice to explain the essence of beauty, this beauty is neither objective nor subjective, but the unity of objectivity and sociality, known as social practice after school. Still, Li Zehou emphasized the social content of the United States, but has been the focus to the objectivity of beauty of the philosophical basis of the humanization of nature and the basic problem. Forward the core idea of humanization of nature: nature and human relations change, naturally no longer as human enemies, but in practice based on the transformation of the attractive, with its sensibility, become aesthetic object people. In "critical philosophy critique and subsequent a series of papers, he put Marx's interpretation a kind of practical philosophy, the philosophy of historical materialism is the theory of practice, and use the" accumulation "to supplement the three theories of Kant's transformation, has made a unique interpretation of the cultural and psychological structure of human beings. The relationship between the beauty of traditional, he proposed a" beauty and truth "and" the Fed said that "good aesthetic realm is the highest realm of life, twenty-first Century will be the century of education in.80, Li Zehou entered the inner nature humanization thought as the theory of natural person, say to get the chemical.80 in full after the end, Li The key to view Zehou aesthetic problems, so far, after the view of practical aesthetics truly launched.80's theoretical basis not only for Li Zehou in the history of Western Aesthetics from the academic, but further to Chinese traditional culture, to oppose to the traditional Confucian practical reason and alienation of Western musical culture, of instrumental rationality the Chinese to traditional religious morality as the ideological and cultural construction in the new period ideological resources, resulting in the traditional culture of the "creation of transformation" in the future China spirit culture construction provides a reference idea. He further elaborated the practical aesthetics and anthropology ontology theory, put forward the "inherent nature humanization", "new sensibility", "human nature" theory. At the same time, Li Zehou's practical aesthetics are problems in the way of thinking: the dualism of natural person, the "degree", double (Multi These problems need further discussion, such as the degree of "Naturalization", some of which belong to the way of thinking and construction in practice aesthetics, such as dualism in thinking mode, dual ontology and so on.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院哲学所;
【正文快照】: 众所周知,实践美学是新中国成立以来产生的最重要的美学理论成果。中国实践美学有众多代表人物,其中,以李泽厚的实践美学最具有典型性,影响最大,遭受批评也最多。除李泽厚之外,还有后期朱光潜、蒋孔阳、刘纲纪、周来祥、杨恩寰、梅宝树、李丕显、杨辛、甘霖,以及中青年一代学
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