本文关键词:“美”起源于“味觉”辨正 出处:《文艺研究》2002年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:本文对《说文》及注关于“美”字的释义提出质疑 ,以先秦文献中常用的“美”、“旨”等字 ,力证“美 ,甘也”、“羊大则美”没有确凿的文献依据 ,而现代中外学者以《说文》为依据 ,推论“中国人原初美意识”起源于“甘”这样的“味觉感受性” ,更是因袭成见而偏离原义愈远。本文通过《周易》、《诗经》等经典中所表现的中国人“原初意识”考察 ,并从“美”字结构及“羊”、“大”的观念意义辨析 ,认为“美”字体现的美意识 ,最早产生于阴阳相交的观念与最普遍的男女性意识之中 ,“美”字之结构及其所蕴含的观念内涵 ,可确证中国人原初美意识发生于“性美学” ,决非一个“味觉转换”的“食美学”可正其义。
[Abstract]:This paper questions the interpretation of the word "beauty" in Shuowen and its notes, and uses the words "beauty" and "tenor", which are commonly used in the literature of the pre-Qin period, to prove "beauty, Ganya". There is no solid literature basis for "the beauty of the sheep", while modern Chinese and foreign scholars based on "Shuo Wen" infer that "the original beauty consciousness of Chinese people" originated from "taste sensibility" such as "Gan". It is more and more far away from the original meaning because of the preconceptions. This paper examines the "original consciousness" of the Chinese people in the classics such as the Book of songs and the Book of changes, and the structure of the word "beauty" and the "sheep". Based on the analysis of the significance of the concept of "big", it is believed that the beauty consciousness embodied in the word "beauty" originated from the concept of the intersection of yin and yang and the most universal consciousness of sex between men and women. The structure of the word "beauty" and its conceptual connotation can confirm that the original aesthetic consciousness of Chinese takes place in "sexual aesthetics", and it is not a "food aesthetics" with "taste transition".
【作者单位】: 福建师范大学文学院
【正文快照】: “美”起源于“味觉”辨正@陈良运$福建师范大学文学院原初意识;;阴阳观念;;食美学;;性美学本文对《说文》及注关于“美”字的释义提出质疑 ,以先秦文献中常用的“美”、“旨”等字 ,力证“美 ,甘也”、“羊大则美”没有确凿的文献依据 ,而现代中外学者以《说文》为依据 ,推
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