本文选题:“美学热” + 意识形态 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2006年01期
[Abstract]:The aesthetic craze in mainland China in the early 1980's was an extraordinary history in the history of Chinese and foreign aesthetics.This history cannot be confined to the explanation of the history of aesthetics itself, and it is more appropriate to take the angle of the history of thought."Aesthetic craze" is the product of the post-Cultural Revolution ideological crisis and the reconstruction of modernity and Marxist humanism.Aesthetics provides modern concept of human nature and historical philosophy in Marx's humanistic ontology, thus providing modern ideology for criticizing the ideology of capitalist modernization and extreme leftist class struggle at the same time.And become the center of philosophy and all the humanities.With the transformation of the ideological reform to the superstructure system reform in the mainland in the 1980s, the "esthetics craze" and its humanistic philosophical upsurge have declined, and the social sciences, centered on politics and law, have been replaced since the 1990s.But as the greatest natural resource of the modern public spirit, aesthetics is critical to ideology, and will continue to maintain its special character in the public sphere.
【作者单位】: 陕西师范大学文学院
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