本文选题:马克思 + 《1844年经济学-哲学手稿》 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:在当今社会,人们对“美”的追求日益高涨,美学作为打开世界的一种方式正日益凸显其影响力。在我国,马克思主义美学的影响力是其他美学理论所难以企及的,我国学者从《1844年经济学-哲学手稿》(以下简称《手稿》)出发,沿着马克思的实践思路来解释美学的基本问题,发展形成了当代中国马克思主义美学理论建构的经典形态——实践美学。虽然马克思一生中并无系统的美学论述,但是在《手稿》中却有着独到的美学思考和美学见解,尤其是蕴含其中的关于美的本质、美的规律、实践美学分析视角,迄今仍具有不可忽视的理论意义和实践意义。本文立足于马克思的经典文本,尝试对《手稿》中的实践美学思想进行发掘与阐释。文章共分为四个部分:首先,简述了《手稿》问世后在国内外美学界产生的积极影响,开拓了美学研究的新视野;其次,探寻和分析了马克思美学思想形成的理论渊源,其中德国古典美学思想影响最为重大,主要包括康德、席勒及黑格尔三位思想家的美学思想和观点;再次,在阐释马克思对先前美学思想继承与批判的基础上,着力阐发了马克思《手稿》中的实践美学思想,包括美的根源——“劳动产生美”;美的本质——“自然的人化”和美的规律—— “按照两大尺度创造美”等美学思想;最后,以我国的现实发展为切入点,阐明马克思的实践美学思想对于构建“美丽中国”的启示和意义。那就是:发掘劳动过程的创造之美,实现人与自然的和谐之美和探索社会发展的全面之美。
[Abstract]:In today's society, people's pursuit of "beauty" is rising day by day, aesthetics as a way to open the world is increasingly prominent its influence.In our country, the influence of Marxist aesthetics is beyond the reach of other aesthetic theories. Chinese scholars, starting from the manuscripts of Economics and philosophy in 1844 (hereinafter referred to as manuscripts), follow Marx's practical thinking to explain the basic problems of aesthetics.The development has formed the classical form of Marxist aesthetic theory construction in contemporary China-practical aesthetics.Although Marx had no systematic aesthetic discourse in his life, he had unique aesthetic thinking and aesthetic opinions in manuscripts, especially the essence of beauty, the law of beauty, the perspective of practical aesthetics analysis, which contained the essence of beauty, the law of beauty, and the perspective of practical aesthetics analysis.Up to now, it still has theoretical and practical significance.Based on Marx's classic text, this paper tries to explore and explain the practical aesthetics in manuscript.The article is divided into four parts: firstly, it briefly describes the positive influence of manuscripts in the field of aesthetics at home and abroad, and opens up a new field of view for aesthetic research; secondly, it explores and analyzes the theoretical origin of the formation of Marx's aesthetic thought.The German classical aesthetic thought has the most important influence, mainly including the aesthetic thought and viewpoint of three thinkers: Kant, Schiller and Hegel. Thirdly, on the basis of explaining Marx's inheritance and criticism to the previous aesthetic thought,The author tries to expound the practical aesthetic thoughts in Marx's manuscript, including the origin of beauty, the essence of beauty, the humanization of nature and the law of beauty, and the aesthetic thought of "creating beauty according to two scales", and so on, which includes the origin of beauty, the essence of beauty, the humanization of nature, the law of beauty, and so on.Finally, with the development of reality in our country as the starting point, this paper expounds the enlightenment and significance of Marx's practical aesthetics thought to the construction of "beautiful China".That is: to explore the beauty of the creation of labor process, to realize the beauty of harmony between man and nature and to explore the overall beauty of social development.
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