本文选题:康德美学 + 审美 ; 参考:《学术交流》2010年12期
[Abstract]:As the founder of German classical aesthetics, Kant's contribution in the history of philosophy and the history of aesthetics will not be interpreted exhaustively. The true Kant has not been seen as a result of his needs and one-sided interpretation, exerting and covering his thoughts, as a result of his later learning. This interpretation also brings a positive effect, because it embodies a contradictory Kant, but if a rational analysis of these contradictions will find the dialectic in Kant's aesthetics. After Kant, the academic trend of aesthetics always goes from one extreme to the other, from one direction to the opposite direction, or as a subjective, or a guest. View; or for nature, or as a phenomenon, or as life itself, or as spiritual reason. However, for a kind of beauty itself that can not have a definite concept, it can only be a sound of the times that looks like science and truth, and its fate is undetermined after all. Kant himself thinks that only the illusion of appreciation itself can produce dialectics, that is, the aesthetic "the back of the two law" is dialectic, but in essence, his contradiction itself has the characteristic of unity of opposites, from which the diversity of beauty itself can be well reflected, and the way of thinking of beautiful things can be proved from a multidimensional aspect. It is dialectical.
【作者单位】: 中共黑龙江省委宣传部;
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