本文选题:“中” + 情理结构 ; 参考:《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》2015年05期
[Abstract]:The formation of Confucian aesthetic consciousness is rooted in the deep Confucian rational structure. " The reason why China "can become the core of Confucian aesthetic consciousness is that it can fit with the structure of reason on many levels." The formation of consciousness and the structure of reason are homologous, which is the result of the interaction between the worship of nature and the worship of ancestors. In the course of historical development, China has three dimensions of meaning: sacred, correct and balanced. By virtue of its sacred meaning, the "middle" acquires the prerequisite for compatibility with the structure of reason. In the pre-Qin period, the Tao, which came from the worship of nature, and the virtue, which came from the worship of the ancestors, combined with each other, marking the basic formation of the rational structure of Confucianism. " "the sacred meaning in the middle coincides with the" Tao ", the justice in the middle and the" virtue "in the middle, and the balanced meaning in the relationship between the Tao and the upper and lower levels of morality, thus reaching a multi-level agreement with the rational structure, which has become the core aesthetic consciousness of the Confucianists." In the middle, the balanced meaning becomes the aesthetic standard of the Confucian behavior practice, and its sacred meaning is evolved into the ultimate aesthetic pursuit of "the Ming morality and the Holy".
【作者单位】: 山东大学文学与新闻传播学院;
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