[Abstract]:The investigation of aesthetic source makes us find that whether the oriental sages are located in the north temperate zone or the western masters who are near the sea their search for and reflection on beauty is not related to art at the beginning. The investigation and study of the perceptual sign form of art is a matter of the future. In China, Le Ji, which is devoted to discussing the law of art, appeared only after Xunzi (from Li Zehou, Liu Gangji, see the first volume of the History of Chinese Aesthetics). Western Aristotle's Poetics also appeared after Plato, and before that, the ancient masters began to think about how human's perceptual psychological desires generally conform to social, political and social ethical norms. The civilized man who has just come out of barbaric ignorance finds that the emotional needs of human flesh and blood are irrevocable and indelible. These primitive impulses come from the body with extremely vigorous vitality, it desperately demands to realize itself, to complete itself. However, the other side of the problem is that if these primitive impulses of life are left unfettered, they will inevitably lead to social unrest and chaos in the country. Life again and again, blood everywhere cruel war; a return to the people's livelihood, the world is not the wind of the decadent social unrest is not the result of it? Therefore, in ancient thinkers, aesthetics is considered as the intermediary purpose and necessary way for individual vulgar and despicable psychological desire to sublimate morality. The investigation of art itself is also carried out under the guidance of this thought. This is the common logical starting point and source of the development of eastern and western aesthetics.
【作者单位】: 北京市委党校
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