[Abstract]:In ancient China, there was no understanding of the ultimate existence of literature and art Noumenon. Liu Gangji discussed this issue in the second volume of the History of Chinese Aesthetics, Buddhist Studies and Aesthetics in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and Liu Xie's Wen Xin Diao long, in both chapters. In the Book of changes Aesthetics, the author makes a deeper analysis of the "feelings and objects sympathetic". The author thinks that Chinese aesthetics always explains the occurrence and essence of art by the emotional expression produced by the sympathetic feeling of heart and substance. Sympathetic theory is the solution of the relationship between subject and object in aesthetic and artistic creation in Chinese aesthetics. However, the theoretical basis of the sympathetic theory of Chinese aesthetics was initially laid down by the Book of changes. There is not only one "salty" hexagram ("feeling," which is directly related to "feeling" in the Book of changes). Soften up and just down, the two senses with each other, "), and there are eleven, two talk about the" feeling. " The meaning can be summed up as follows: (1) although "feeling" is "induction", it is not a unilateral passive acceptance, but the result of interaction between two things, that is, the so-called "intersection".
【作者单位】: 武汉大学哲学系
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