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发布时间:2018-10-23 11:43
[Abstract]:Through the exploration and arrangement of Mencius' ecological aesthetic thought, this paper explores the theoretical connotation and practical significance of Mencius' ecological aesthetic thought, in order to realize the modern transformation of Mencius' ecological aesthetic thought, in order to properly deal with man and nature, man and man. The relationship between man and society, man and self provides effective moral resources. At the same time, it also tries to provide some research ideas and theoretical support for perfecting the subject of contemporary Chinese ecological aesthetics and promoting the implementation of ecological aesthetic education. "Ecology" was originally directed at the study of biology and its environment. With the development of the times, the interpretation of its connotation is gradually enriched. It not only emphasizes exploring the harmony between man and nature, but also explores the whole living state of nature, including man and society, man and others, and man and self. Therefore, the author thinks that the ecology here includes three levels: natural ecology, humanistic ecology and self-ecology. As a kind of aesthetic concept research, ecological aesthetics should be brought into the scope of aesthetic field, that is to say, the aesthetic relationship between man and nature, society and self should be examined from the perspective of integrated thinking. It presents the inner life relation between human beings and all things of nature, thus putting the problem of ecological aesthetic appreciation into the concrete realm of life, and then reconstructing the existence relationship between man and nature, society and self as a whole, ecology and humanism. Confucianism not only attaches importance to the existence of human being, but also emphasizes the metaphysical value basis of human existence. It embodies a kind of connection point of life care, covering man and nature, man and society, man and man, The ecological humanistic view of multiple relationships between man and self. In particular, Mencius' theory of sexual goodness, "kinship, benevolence, love of things" and "nourishing qi" means that natural ecology, humanistic ecology and self-ecology are closely linked, thus breaking the limitation of time and space. The natural-social-other-self is combined into an ecological chain of the whole system. At the same time, Mencius took "Yue" (sound: le) as the medium of aesthetic transformation, and combined it with "benevolence" and "sincerity". In essence, Mencius also pointed this aesthetic transformation to ecology. It is emphasized that in the whole harmony of "nature, society, others and self", the greatest pleasure of life is experienced, and the ideal realm of the unity of man and all things is realized, which is also the spiritual realm of the fusion of truth, good and beauty. In short, Mencius' ecological aesthetic thought is based on "benevolence" as its philosophical basis, "music" as its aesthetic transformation intermediary, and "harmony" as its aesthetic purport. Mencius shows the ideal ecological realm of harmony and unity between man and nature, between man and society, between man and man, and between man and self through the understanding of the fate of life and the expectation of the ideal place of existence. This point has positive significance to the contemporary esthetic education, the construction of ecological aesthetics and the construction of ecological civilization society. However, it should be noted that Mencius' ecological aesthetic thought came into being in a specific historical period. At that time, the ecological environment and the level of people's cognitive ability were different from the current society and could not be compared with other factors. Therefore, while absorbing and learning from Mencius' ecological aesthetic realization, we must also see its age limitations.


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