[Abstract]:Since the 1990s, the debates on practical aesthetics carried out by our journal and some other newspapers in the field of aesthetics have not only lasted for a long time and involved a wide range of people, but also have shown a higher academic quality with the aim of "pursuit of academic theory". As a result, it has attracted extensive attention from the academic community. This great discussion of aesthetics in the new period echoes the profound and great changes in people's aesthetic concepts and even the whole spiritual world in the era of reform and opening up. It not only adds a little landscape to the academic prosperity of China in the 1990s, but also prepares for the breakthrough of Chinese aesthetics in the 21st century. Now, this discussion continues to expand and deepen, one of the remarkable signs is that a series of new and old problems related to "practical aesthetics" are emerging in the deepening understanding. One of the problems raised by Mr. Luo Chengwan in this paper is Jiang Kongyang's school of thought. It involves the division of the school of contemporary Chinese aesthetics, the meta theory of the school includes the morphological characteristics of the school, the conditions for its formation and composition, the relationship between the school and the political ideology, and so on. In this regard, Mr. Lao Chengwan made a valuable tentative exploration in this article, and put forward his own words. We welcome our academic colleagues to express their opinions on this issue in the light of the scientific attitude of seeking truth in order to lead the discussion of practical aesthetics to a broader and deeper realm.
【作者单位】: 湛江师院中文系!教授
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