[Abstract]:Zhang Fa believes that there are three models in the study of the history of Chinese aesthetics-textbook, category, interdisciplinary, and two directions-from the perspective of the nature of the ancient material itself. Since Zhu Guangqian's extension of western aesthetic principles to ancient China; Therefore, how to include the pluralism in the pluralistic unity and how to think about the influence of the nature of the unity of the ancient concept on the theoretical expression is a problem that has been neglected in the evolution of the concept. Zhu Liangzhi believes that the philosophy of Taoism and Zen is an unanalytical concept of beauty, which reflects the distinct characteristics of Chinese aesthetics in its emphasis on experience, rebirth and transcendence, and reflects the different purport of Chinese aesthetics in its long-term development process from that of western aesthetics. Also from a side show that the Chinese at an early stage in the core of the United States has a profound thinking. Chen Wangheng believes that in the globalization of today there is actually only one kind of aesthetics, that is, global aesthetics; As far as the construction of contemporary Chinese aesthetics is concerned, what needs to be established is not the independent Chinese aesthetics isolated from the world, but the global aesthetics with Chinese characteristics. It would be easier for Chinese classical aesthetics to connect with the world aesthetics if the comparison of aesthetic discipline framework is not only emphasized, but the spirit of aesthetic discipline is more important.
【作者单位】: 北京大学哲学系;
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