[Abstract]:Body is an important category of Chinese classical aesthetics. It is based on it to intervene in the study of the history of aesthetics, which establishes the foundation of materiality for the reinterpretation of many classical propositions. First of all, different from the western spirit and flesh, the body in Chinese aesthetics is not only based on the body, but also an organic life form of the unity of spirit and spirit. Its concepts of body-whole and body-subject affect the judgment of human beauty. Secondly, the human body and all things are regarded as the agglomeration of natural qi. Here, the so-called "natural person" and "human naturalization", the most fundamental embodiment of the body and the object of the world between the mutual and mutual. Thirdly, the relationship between the body and the world makes understanding the human body a convenient way to understand the world, and making it possible to reconstruct the beauty of nature and art with the body as the paradigm. This kind of nature and art constructed by body make nature become aesthetic object because of body and form structure of art because of imitation of body. therefore
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