[Abstract]:There are two ways to understand beauty: epistemological aesthetics and axiological aesthetics. Axiological aesthetics is a challenge to epistemological aesthetics. Different from the tendency of aesthetic epistemology, axiological aesthetics advocates that beauty is a kind of aesthetic value attribute of object relative to subject. The aesthetic theory of value holds that beauty is the unity of the relationship between subject and object, and that aesthetic value is one of the attributes established by human beings in the long-term aesthetic activities of subject and object. As a unified aesthetics of subject and object, axiological aesthetics is a relativistic aesthetics. Only in certain aesthetic relations, aesthetic activities, aesthetic practice, aesthetic value attribute is shown as conditional objectivity. The aesthetic view of value is that aesthetic value is not completely separated from other values such as utilitarian value, moral value, religious value and so on, but an open compound value structure, which holds that aesthetic value is open. It combines the comprehensive value structure of various elements, and needs to discuss the aesthetic value from the concrete aesthetic practice and the artistic practice.
【作者单位】: 南京大学哲学系;Bar
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