[Abstract]:In the West, the transformation of taste from taste category to aesthetic category is one of the symbols of the establishment of modern aesthetic discourse. In China, "interest" and "taste" have long meant "aesthetic appreciation", but they are not the category of "taste" in the sense of modern aesthetics. " Interest ", as a category of modern aesthetics, implies the content of modern humanism as the meaning of life, which must be based on the modern structure. Therefore, the category of interest in Chinese classical aesthetics needs to go through modern transformation, which is the category of modern aesthetics. Liang Qichao's definition of the category of "taste" was made under the new cultural and psychological structure after the rise of modernism. His so-called "taste" has the content that supports the meaning of life, so it has become the beginning of the turning point of the meaning of the category of "taste" in modern times. In Zhu Guangqian's view, the category of interest merges the meaning of ancient and modern and Chinese and Western, and after the theory of "taste" is integrated, it begins to change to the category of modern aesthetics.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学哲学院;
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