[Abstract]:The western aesthetics is a time-based aesthetics, and the Chinese aesthetics is the space-based aesthetics; the Chinese philosophy is not a time-nature _ "The day does not change.", but the spatial nature, the space is the world of the unity of man and the nature, full of the original vitality _ qi, and the gas flows between the man and the nature, between the person and the person, The people of the sky are sensitive, and the people and the people love things. The western aesthetics has reached the freedom through the aesthetic understanding of the time distance, so it is the understanding of the aesthetics; the Chinese aesthetics thinks that the aesthetic is the activity of the space, and through the aesthetic sympathy (the sense of the feeling) goes beyond the space distance, To achieve the harmony between man and nature and the harmony between man and man, the Chinese space aesthetics is different from the western sympathies. Under the historical conditions of the post-modernism of the west, the Chinese space aesthetics provides the ideological resources for the development of the world's aesthetics, and also provides an important opportunity for the development of the modern Chinese aesthetics, and is expected to be based on the existence of the inter-subjectivity and the superscript. The establishment of the aesthetic transcendence of the real time and the nature of the real space, the elimination of the time and the division of the space, make the understanding and the compassion do not, reach the aesthetic freedom realm. The reconstruction of space-time integrated aesthetics is the future of Chinese aesthetics.
【作者单位】: 华侨大学;厦门大学中文系;
【基金】:国家社会科学规划重点项目“中华艺术美学概论”(10AZX007) 福建省社会科学规划项目“主体间性美学”(2009B133)
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