发布时间:2018-01-01 10:16
本文关键词:自贡盐工号子审美研究 出处:《四川师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:“劳动创造了人。”(马克思),伴随劳动的“号子”便也与人、与人类的历史无法分割地联系在了一起。“嘿唑——嘿唑——嘿唑——嘿唑……”凝结与饱含了盐都自贡人的朴实、忠厚、坚韧、顽强的盐工号子,伴随着不竭的卤水①流传到现在,也把盐都自贡人的情感、性格、历史、文化……承传到了现代。它以其独特的艺术魅力,展示于世间,光耀于历史,成为了井盐文化中不可或缺的组成部分,当之无愧地荣耀于当今世界的“非物质文化遗产”之列。 旨在从审美角度对“盐工号子”进行较深层的分析论述的本文,共分三个部分:一、“盐工号子”产生的历史渊源;二、音乐特点;三、保护与传承。在展示自贡独具特色的音乐历史文化及充满盐巴味道的“盐工号子”的独特音乐之美的同时,重申一个众所周知的真理:“一个失去自己的文化特色的民族,最终会沦为被奴役的民族!”(密特朗),以引起世人对这一宝贵的民族音乐文化的更多关注与关怀。
[Abstract]:"Labor creates man." (Karl Marx) the "horn" that accompanies labor is also with people. It is inextricably linked to human history. "Heizo-Heizo-Heizo-Heizo-Heizo." condensed and filled with the simple, loyal, tough, indomitable saltwater of the Zigong people in Yandu. Along with the inexhaustible brine 1 spread to the present, but also Yandu Zigong people's feelings, personality, history, culture. Inherited to the modern. It with its unique artistic charm, display in the world, glory in history. It has become an indispensable part of well-salt culture, and is worthy of being honored in the "intangible cultural heritage" of today's world. This paper is divided into three parts: first, the historical origin of "Salt work"; Second, the music characteristic; Third, protection and inheritance. While showing the unique music history and culture of Zigong and the unique music beauty of "salt work" full of salt taste. Reaffirm a well-known truth: "A nation that loses its own cultural identity will eventually be reduced to slavery." Mitterrand, in order to arouse the world to this precious folk music culture more attention and concern.
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