发布时间:2018-01-02 18:01
本文关键词:梅西安《阿门幻象》的诠释与演绎 出处:《上海音乐学院》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 梅西安 阿门幻象 技术分析 多层次 内涵 传承
【摘要】:梅西安是20世纪法国作曲家,继承了法国音乐的优秀传统,在沿袭德彪西的审美风格和音乐语言的基础上,广泛吸收了世界各地音乐的风格特点。作品题材大多是和歌颂上帝和赞美上帝自然有关。《阿门幻象》作于梅西安创作生涯的成熟期。该作品无论是在曲式结构、篇幅规模、音响构成上都为后来的一系列宗教题材的钢琴作品奠定了基础。在作曲技法方面,该首曲子为后来的诸多作品提供了诸多和声样式的范本,并被收录至《我的音乐语言中》,用以说明解释其音乐语言内在的构造和逻辑。 本文以《阿门幻象》为主要研究对象,从技术分析和表现诠释两方面着手进行研究。以梅西安本人的技术分析为蓝本,试图从精神层面上更为直观和全面的诠释出这部作品。了解双钢琴演奏中的实际需要和要求,为钢琴演奏中的实践提供参考和指导。
[Abstract]:In 20th century, Mayan was a French composer, who inherited the excellent tradition of French music, on the basis of following Debussy's aesthetic style and musical language. Widely absorbed the style of music from all over the world. The theme of the work is mostly related to the praise of God and praise God nature. "Amen Phantom" was written in the mature period of Mayan's creative career. Whether in the form of the composition structure of the work. . Space size, sound composition for a series of subsequent religious themes of piano works laid the foundation. In the composition techniques, this song for many later works to provide a lot of harmony style model. It is included in my Music language to explain the structure and logic of its musical language. In this paper, Amen Phantom as the main research object, from the technical analysis and performance interpretation of two aspects of the study, with Messien's own technical analysis as the blueprint. This paper attempts to explain this work more intuitively and comprehensively from the spiritual level, to understand the actual needs and requirements of double piano playing, and to provide reference and guidance for the practice of piano playing.
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