本文关键词:十九世纪德法意艺术歌曲之比较研究 出处:《山东师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:艺术歌曲是19世纪初盛行于欧洲的一种独特音乐体裁,在整个声乐发展史上占据着极其重要的地位。尤其在浪漫主义时期,艺术歌曲作为一种新兴的艺术形式,“诗为乐铺垫,歌为诗增辉”,诗乐一体的高雅格调备受欧洲作曲家的喜爱,将对它的热忱通过大量的作品淋漓尽致的表现出来,为人类音乐文明留下了宝贵的财富。 本文笔者主要以德、法、意艺术歌曲为研究对象,一方面正是基于其重要的历史意义,另一方面更是因为作为一名声乐学习与研究者,研究及演唱艺术歌曲对声乐技能中呼吸的训练、音色的把握、音乐修养的培养有积极意义。但三国的艺术歌曲,虽受同种文化思潮的恩泽,因其地域、民族、语言等文化的差异,在音乐表现及演唱风格等方面也不尽相同。因此,对其进行细致入微的比较研究被赋予了极高的艺术价值。 本文总共分三章对德法意三国艺术歌曲的创作特点进行具体分析: 第一章总共分为四节。笔者拟先以艺术歌曲的起源为切入点,简单概述艺术歌曲从古希腊时期到浪漫主义时期的历史发展。在之后的三节分别将德奥、法国、意大利艺术歌曲的历史发展结合三国各个时期的重要代表人物的创作风格特点进行分析,为引入论题做铺垫。 之后的第二、第三章就是本文的论点部分——十九世纪德法意艺术歌曲的比较研究。 首先,笔者在第二章从两大部分对三国艺术歌曲的共同之处进行分析——即艺术歌曲的“乐”中“诗”及“诗”中“乐”。艺术歌曲是“诗意”与“乐情”的完美结合,二者相辅相成,,缺一不可。“诗”即歌曲的歌词,在文中主要分为四部分:描写外在景物、描写内在情感、诗词音韵律动、具有故事情节。“乐”即歌曲的音乐,文中主要从旋律、伴奏、曲式、调式调性四个方面进行具体分析。 第三章则从德法意艺术歌曲的社会背景、民族文化、语言特点、演唱风格四方面对三国艺术歌曲创作的不同之处进行剖析。在文字阐述过程中,笔者会将各国代表作曲家的经典曲目进行具体的谱例分析,由点观面,实例论证相应的分论点。 作为一项理论素材,撰写此文,希望能帮助声乐爱好、学习及研究者丰富对艺术歌曲的理论知识的掌握,在演唱时更好地诠释歌曲,充分发挥其应有的艺术价值。
[Abstract]:Art song is a unique genre of music popular in Europe at the beginning of nineteenth Century, occupies a very important position in the history of the development of the vocal music. Especially in the romantic period, art songs as a new art form, "poems for fun bedding, zenghuisongs for poems" poetry and music in one of the elegant style by European composers love, the enthusiasm for it by a large number of works of the most incisive performance, leaving the valuable wealth for human civilization of music.
In this paper, the author mainly in Germany, Italy, art songs as the research object, on the one hand, it is based on its important historical significance, on the other hand as a vocal learning and research, study and singing art songs in vocal skills on respiratory training, grasp the timbre, the positive significance of cultivating the musical culture but the art songs of the three countries, although of the same cultural thoughts of Enze, because of its geographical, ethnic, linguistic and cultural differences, in terms of music and singing style are not the same. Therefore, the detailed comparative study is given a very high artistic value.
This paper is divided into three chapters on the creative characteristics of de France and Italy art songs were analyzed:
The first chapter is divided into four sections. The author intends to the origin of art songs as the breakthrough point, to the historical development of the romantic period simple overview of art songs from ancient Greece. Then in the three quarter will de France, respectively, the historical development of Italy art songs with the creation style characteristics, an important representative of each period of the Three Kingdoms the analysis lays the groundwork for the introduction of the thesis.
After the second argument, part of the third chapter of this paper is: a comparative study of the nineteenth Century Italian art songs.
First of all, the author in the second chapter from the two parts of three songs in common analysis -- the art song "music" in "poetry" and "poetry" in the "music". The art song is a perfect combination of "poetic" and "love", the two complement each other, "poetry" is indispensable. The lyrics of the song, in this paper is mainly divided into four parts: external features of description, description of inner feelings, poetry and rhyme andrhythm, has the story. "Music" songs, this article mainly from the melody, accompaniment, musical form, the four aspects of tonality specific analysis.
The third chapter from the Franco Italian art songs of the social background, culture, language features, singing style of different countries in the face of the Quartet of art songs. In the text of the description, the author will analyze the specific cases of spectral States representative composers of classical repertoire, from the point of view, the corresponding demonstration points.
As a theoretical material, writing this article hopes to help vocal music lovers, learning and researchers to enrich the theoretical knowledge of art songs, better interpret songs in singing, and give full play to their due artistic value.
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