本文关键词: 民歌风格 地方色彩 演唱技法 出处:《河南大学》2002年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 豫南信阳地区的民间的歌曲是极其丰富多彩的,在各县流传着许许多多不同题材、不同形式不同风格的民歌,它们汇成了一个巨大的民间歌曲的海洋。本文主要对豫南民歌的风格及演唱技法进行探讨。并对其典型的地方色彩进行分析,这对今后进一步研究豫南民歌乃至淮河流域的民间音乐都是十分有益的。 除引言和结语外,全文共分为三大部分: 第一部分:豫南民歌的产生。一个地方民歌的产生由复杂的多方面因素经过长期发展而形成的。本文主要从四个主要因素来分析,,即历史因素、地理因素、人文因素、语言因素等四个方面来论述,使读者对豫南民歌的情况有一个大致的了解。 第二部分:豫南民歌的风格及地方色彩分析。由于豫南民歌的数量很多,很难全面介绍,本文依据词曲结合所体现的风格分成四大类,列举一些最流行的民歌的歌名、县市及少数谱例供读者参考。 一、按照词曲结合上所体现的风貌特色把豫南民歌的风格分为:(一)舒缓、优美、抒情、婉转;(二)轻盈、欢快、爽朗;(三)粗犷、高亢、激越;(四)淡雅、风趣、幽默、活泼几种风格。从中可看出民歌与人民生活的关系。 二、豫南民歌的地方色彩:形成一个地方民歌的色彩的因素有多方面的因素,如人们的生活、语言、性格,爱好、文化传统,审美习惯,各种戏曲、曲艺等。诸种因素都对地方色彩的形成有直接或接间地、程度不同的影响,其中语言有特殊意义起着极为重要的作用。 一 (一)豫南方言的语言特点分析。豫南各县的方言比较繁杂,其 语音系统与北京音差别很大,其主要从1、声母。2、韵母两个方面来 分析。使演唱者能纯熟的掌握豫南万言声韵的规律。- (二)方言声调与民歌曲调的结合。本文从具体例子分析可以看 出,除了个别字声调与曲调不尽-致外,整个曲调基本是依照方言声 调高低升降的趋势衍生而成,带有明显的方言语音特点。 ‘“]具有地方特点的衬词、衬句大量运用。这些地方色彩的衬 词衬句大量运用,是豫南民歌语言的-个显著特点,是民歌中不可分 割的有机组成部分。本文从三个方面进行归类。()习惯性衬词u) 语气或语尾衬词门)衬词段。 第“部分:豫南民歌的演唱技法本文以谱例的形式对各种演唱技法 进行概括总结。本文主要总结了下列主要演唱技法。高腔唱法。平腔 unrt。低脾唱法;直声唱法。断腔唱法。滑音唱法。颤音唱法。波 音唱法。快速吐字唱法
[Abstract]:The folk songs in Xinyang area of southern Henan are extremely rich and colorful. There are many folk songs with different themes, different forms and different styles circulating in various counties. They form a huge ocean of folk songs. This paper mainly discusses the style and singing techniques of folk songs in southern Henan, and analyzes their typical local colors. This will be beneficial to further study of folk songs in southern Henan and even folk music in Huaihe River Basin. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the full text is divided into three parts:. The first part: the generation of folk songs in southern Henan. The emergence of local folk songs is formed by complex and multi-factor development over a long period of time. This paper mainly analyzes four main factors, namely, historical factors, geographical factors, humanistic factors, and so on. Language factors and other four aspects to discuss, so that readers have a general understanding of the situation of folk songs in southern Henan. The second part: the style and the local color analysis of the folk songs in the south of Henan. Because the quantity of the folk songs in the south of Henan is so many, it is very difficult to introduce comprehensively. According to the style embodied in the combination of ci and song, this paper divides into four categories, and lists some of the most popular folk songs. County, city and a few spectral examples for the reader's reference. First, according to the style and features embodied in the combination of ci and song, the style of folk songs in southern Henan is divided into: (1) soothing, graceful, lyrical, graceful and (2) light, cheerful, refreshing and (3) rough, high-pitched, intense (4) elegant, funny, and humorous. Lively several styles. From which we can see the relationship between folk songs and people's life. (2) the local color of folk songs in southern Henan: there are many factors that form the color of a local folk song, such as people's life, language, personality, hobbies, cultural traditions, aesthetic habits, and various operas. All kinds of factors have direct or intersecting influence on the formation of local color, in which language has a special meaning and plays an extremely important role. One. (1) Analysis of the linguistic characteristics of the Southern Henan dialect. The dialects of the counties in the south of Henan Province are rather complicated. The phonetic system is very different from the Beijing sound, which mainly comes from the aspects of 1, consonant. 2 and vowel. Analysis. So that the singer can master the sound of the south of Henan, the rules of rhyme. (2) the combination of dialect tone and folk tune. In addition to individual tones and tunes, the whole tune is basically based on dialect. The trend of high and low tone rise and fall is derived, with obvious dialect phonetic characteristics. A word or sentence with local characteristics that is widely used. The extensive use of words and sentences is a remarkable feature of the folk song language in the south of Henan Province, and is inseparably included in the folk songs. The organic component of cut. This paper classifies it from three aspects. The tone or ending of a word). Part I: singing techniques of Folk songs in Southern Henan. This paper mainly summarizes the following main singing techniques. Low spleen singing; straight singing; broken voice singing; slippery singing; treble singing; wave. Phonograph-rapid spelling
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