本文选题:古日哆 切入点:鄂尔多斯 出处:《中央民族大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:“古日哆(guru daguu)"是宫廷长调宴歌,目前尚存于鄂尔多斯市杭锦旗北部黄河沿岸地区。它具有很高的艺术价值,是鄂尔多斯传统音乐文化不可缺少的重要组成部分。由于古日哆以官方的宴礼、婚礼等仪式性场合作为生存依托,因此它还具有特殊的社会功能。 本论文由绪论、古日哆释义、古日哆艺术特征、古日哆的流变与结语等五个部分组成。 绪论部分。陈述了选题意义及研究目的,梳理了古日哆的研究现状,以及研究中的问题,并说明了论文写作中所运用的研究方法。 第一章“古日哆释义”。由古日哆的界定与分类两部分内容组成,在界定部分除歌词内容与体裁形式之外,还将仪式功能性因素作为其内涵外延的重要判定标准之一。 第二章“古日哆艺术特征”。由古日哆歌词内容、曲调特征以及词曲结合三方而的分析内容组成。通过词曲结合方式的分析,提出古日哆词曲结合方式的特殊性是导致“非典型性长调”形成的因素之一。 第三章“古日哆的流变”。参考了民俗学横向空间上的传播性变异与纵向时间上的延续性变异理论。在传播性变异中,探讨与“古日哆”较为密切的乌拉特“希鲁格哆”与阿拉善“沙司惕尔哆”,以及三者之间的相互渗透因素。在延续性变异中,分别从古日哆的歌词内容、音乐体裁与功能三方面阐释了古日哆艺术属性、社会属性的嬗变历程。 结语部分。简要介绍当下环境中,古日哆保护与传承之现状、及传承发展内容方面的思索。
[Abstract]:"Guu Daguu" is a banquet song in the long tune of the court. It still exists in the Yellow River coastal area north of Hangjin Banner, Ordos City. It has high artistic value. It is an indispensable part of Ordos traditional music culture. It also has a special social function because of the official banquet ceremony, wedding ceremony and other ceremonial occasions as the basis for survival. This paper is composed of five parts: introduction, interpretation of the ancient Dodo, the artistic characteristics of the ancient Ji-duo, the evolution of the ancient Ji-duo and the conclusion. In the introduction part, the author states the significance and purpose of the topic, combs the current research situation and the problems in the research, and explains the research methods used in the paper writing. In the first chapter, "Old Rido", it is composed of two parts: the definition and classification of ancient Rido. Besides the lyric content and genre form, the ritualistic functional factors are also regarded as one of the important criteria for judging the extension of the connotation. The second chapter, "the artistic characteristics of ancient Rido", is composed of the content of the lyrics, the characteristics of the tune and the analysis of the combination of the ci and the song. Through the analysis of the combination of ci and song, It is pointed out that the particularity of the combination of ancient Doro and song is one of the factors leading to the formation of "atypical long tune". The third chapter, "the rheology of ancient Rido", refers to the theory of spreading variation in transverse space and continuity variation in longitudinal time in folklore. This paper discusses the close relationship between Urat and Xilugedo and Alashan's Shastierdo, and their mutual permeation factors. In the continuous variation, the lyric contents of ancient Rido are discussed respectively. Music genre and function explain the evolution process of ancient Jido's artistic attribute and social attribute. In the last part, the author briefly introduces the current situation of the protection and inheritance in the current environment, as well as the reflection on the content of inheritance and development.
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